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You have heard about Haskell but don't have the time to find out what it is?
This page may be for you.
== Introduction ==
=== What is Haskell? ===
Haskell is a purely functional, lazy, statically typed programming language
=== What is a purely functional programming language? ===
What is good about that?
=== What is lazy evaluation? ===
What is good about that?
=== What is static typing? ===
What is good about that?
=== Is Haskell '''Open Source'''? ===
=== Why the name '''"Haskell"'''? ===
Haskell is named after the American mathematician [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haskell_Curry Haskell Curry]
== Basics ==
{| class="wikitable"
! Question
! Answer
|What is an '''infix operator'''?
| Infix operators are normal functions. TODO: symbols, round brackets
For example:
<haskell>5 + 2</haskell>
is the same as
<haskell>(+) 5 2</haskell>
|Are there any '''prefix operators'''?
|How do you '''define a function''' in Haskell?
For example:
<haskell>add x y = x + y</haskell>
|Didn't you say Haskell is statically typed?
| It is. TODO
|What is '''point-free style'''?
|Point-free style is a way to define functions solely as a composition of other functions, leaving out arguments in the definition.
For example:
<haskell>takeFive x = take 5 x</haskell>
is the same as
<haskell>takeFive = take 5</haskell>
in point-free style.
|What is '''currying'''?
|What is '''pattern matching'''?
== Advanced ==
{| class="wikitable"
! Question
! Answer
|What is a '''Monad'''?
|What is the meaning of "'''forall'''"?
== Special characters, expressions and keywords ==
=== . ===
The dot "." is used to compose functions in point-free style, similar to "$".
<haskell>foo x = h $ g $ f x</haskell>
is the same as
<haskell>foo = h . g . f</haskell>
=== ` ===
A function enclosed in back ticks "`"s can be used as an infix operator.
<haskell>subtract 2 10</haskell>
is the same as
<haskell>2 `subtract` 10</haskell>
=== ' ===
Backtick TODO: single characters, common usage in function names
=== : ===
The colon ":" is an infix operator that adds an element to the beginning of a list
<haskell>1 : [2,3]</haskell>
will result in the new list
=== :: ===
The double colon TODO
=== | ===
Downslash TODO: pattern matching, data types
=== \ ===
TODO: multiline strings, lambda function
=== $ ===
The dollar sign "$" is a way to compose functions, but avoid typing too many brackets.
<haskell>foo x = h (g (f x))</haskell>
is the same as
<haskell>foo x = h $ g $ f x</haskell>
=== -- ===
The double dash "-- " (a trailing space is necessary) begins a '''single-line comment'''. The rest of the line will be ignored by the compiler.
<haskell>-- Sort the list
sort [3,2,4]
<haskell>sort [3,2,4] -- Sort the list</haskell>
=== [ ] ===
The square brackets TODO
=== {- -} ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Meaning
! Example
|Everything between "{- " and "-}" is a '''block comment''' and will be ignored by the compiler.
Note that the space after "{- " is necessary.
The next line would sort the list, if it wasn't in a block comment
sort [3,2,4]
=== {-# #-} ===
"{-# " (the trailing space is necessay) and "#-}" define '''compiler pragmas'''. TODO
=== data ===
"data" defines a new data type. TODO
<haskell>data colors = Red | Blue | Green</haskell>
=== deriving ===
=== newtype ===
=== type ===

Latest revision as of 15:52, 19 February 2010