User:Lenny222/Haskell explained to the busy

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You have heard about Haskell but don't have the time to find out what it is?

I hope this page is for you.


Question Answer
What is Haskell? TODO
Why the name "Haskell"? Haskell is named after the American mathematician Haskell Curry


Question Answer
What is the meaning of the dollar sign "$"? "$" is a way to avoid typing too many brackets.

For example:

foo x = h (g (f x))

is the same as

foo x = h $ g $ f x
What is point-free style? Point-free style is a way to define functions solely as a composition of other functions, leaving arguments in the definition out.

For example:

takeFive x = take 5 x

is the same as

takeFive = take 5

in point-free style.

What is the meaning of the dot "."? "." is used to compose functions in point-free style, similar to "$".

For example:

foo x = h $ g $ f x

is the same as

foo = h . g . f


Question Answer
What is a Monad? TODO
What is the meaning of "forall"? TODO