User:Lenny222/Haskell explained to the busy

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You have heard about Haskell but don't have the time to find out what it is?

This page may be for you.


What is Haskell?

Haskell is a purely functional, lazy, statically typed programming language

What is a purely functional programming language?

What is good about that?

What is lazy evaluation?

What is good about that?

What is static typing?

What is good about that?

Is Haskell Open Source?

Why the name "Haskell"?

Haskell is named after the American mathematician Haskell Curry


Question Answer
What is an infix operator? Infix operators are normal functions. TODO: symbols, round brackets

For example:

5 + 2

is the same as

(+) 5 2
Are there any prefix operators? TODO
How do you define a function in Haskell? TODO

For example:

add x y = x + y
Didn't you say Haskell is statically typed? It is. TODO
What is point-free style? Point-free style is a way to define functions solely as a composition of other functions, leaving out arguments in the definition.

For example:

takeFive x = take 5 x

is the same as

takeFive = take 5

in point-free style.

What is currying? TODO
What is pattern matching? TODO


Question Answer
What is a Monad? TODO
What is the meaning of "forall"? TODO

Special characters, expressions and keywords


The dot "." is used to compose functions in point-free style, similar to "$".


foo x = h $ g $ f x

is the same as

foo = h . g . f


A function enclosed in back ticks "`"s can be used as an infix operator.


subtract 2 10

is the same as

2 `subtract` 10


Backtick TODO: single characters, common usage in function names


The colon ":" is an infix operator that adds an element to the beginning of a list


1 : [2,3]

will result in the new list



The double colon TODO


Downslash TODO: pattern matching, data types


Backslash TODO: multiline strings, lambda function


The dollar sign "$" is a way to compose functions, but avoid typing too many brackets.


foo x = h (g (f x))

is the same as

foo x = h $ g $ f x


The double dash "-- " (a trailing space is necessary) begins a single-line comment. The rest of the line will be ignored by the compiler.


-- Sort the list
sort [3,2,4]


sort [3,2,4] -- Sort the list

[ ]

The square brackets TODO

{- -}

"{- " (a trailing space is necessary) and "-}" define a block comment. Everything in between will be ignored by the compiler.


The next line would sort the list, if it wasn't in a block comment
sort [3,2,4]

{-# #-}

"{-# " (the trailing space is necessay) and "#-}" define compiler pragmas. TODO


"data" defines a new data type. TODO


data colors = Red | Blue | Green




