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(Created page, filled it with plugins "module section", "module header")
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Revision as of 11:41, 7 August 2011

This page intended Haskell vim-users.


Put code in file ~/.vim/plugin/Haskell.vim, or in multiple files in that directory.

Module Sections

The following code prompts for a name, and places a section with that name at current position, when key sequence "--s":

let s:width = 80

function! HaskellModuleSection(...)
    let name = 0 < a:0 ? a:1 : inputdialog("Section name: ")

    return  repeat('-', s:width) . "\n"
    \       . "--  " . name . "\n"
    \       . "\n"


nmap <silent> --s "=HaskellModuleSection()<CR>gp

Like so:

--  my section

Module Headers

The following code prompts for module name, a note, a description of module, and places a section with that name at top, when key sequence "--h":

let s:width = 80

function! HaskellModuleHeader(...)
    let name = 0 < a:0 ? a:1 : inputdialog("Module: ")
    let note = 1 < a:0 ? a:2 : inputdialog("Note: ")
    let description = 2 < a:0 ? a:3 : inputdialog("Describe this module: ")
    return  repeat('-', s:width) . "\n" 
    \       . "-- | \n" 
    \       . "-- Module      : " . name . "\n"
    \       . "-- Note        : " . note . "\n"
    \       . "-- \n"
    \       . "-- " . description . "\n"
    \       . "-- \n"
    \       . repeat('-', s:width) . "\n"
    \       . "\n"


nmap <silent> --h "=HaskellModuleHeader()<CR>:0put =<CR>

like so:

-- | 
-- Module      : MyModule
-- Note        : This is a preview
-- This is an empty module, to show the headercomment produced. 