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The Haskell Wikipedia Article is an ad hoc collection of edits with no overriding structure or theme. The Haskell community should be able to contribute a better article to represent this project.

Here's a draft structure based on the "History of Haskell" paper.


1. History

 1.1 Related Languages

2. OVerview and Design Principles

 2.1 Laziness
 2.2 Purity
 2.3 Type classes
 2.4 Open and free

3. Features

 3.1 Syntax
    3.1.1 Layout
    3.1.2 Functions, currying, application
    3.1.3 Operators
    3.1.4 Namespaces
    3.1.5 Declarations vs Expressions
    3.1.6 List comprehensions
 3.2 Algebraic Data Types
    3.2.1 Pattern Matching
    3.2.2 Abstract Types
    3.2.3 Lists
    3.2.4 Tuples
    3.2.5 Records
 3.3 Type System
    3.3.1 Type Classes
    3.3.2 Type defaulting
    3.3.3 Overloaded Literals
    3.3.4 Higher Kinded Polymorphism
    3.3.5 Multi-Parameter Type Classes
    3.3.6 Functional Dependencies
    3.3.7 Type System Extensions
        Existential types
        Extensible records
        Polymorphic Recursion
        Higher-Rank Types
        Generalized ADTs
        Template Metaprogramming
 3.4 Monads
     Monadic IO
 3.6 Concurrency and Parallelism
     Shared memory communcation
     Futures and sparks
     Software Transactional Memory
     Data Parallelism
 3.7 Programming in the Large
    3.7.1 FFI
    3.7.2 Modules
    3.7.3 Distribution
 3.8 Semantics

4. Implementations

 4.1 GHC, GHCi
 4.2 Hugs
 4.3 NHC, YHC
 4.4 Other implementations

5. Tools

 5.0 Profiling
 5.1 Debugging
 5.2 Testing
 5.3 Alex and Happy
 5.5 Haddock
 5.6 Hoogle and Hayoo 

6. Distribution

 * Cabal
 * Hackage
 * cabal-install
 * Haskell Platform

7. Libraries (top 2 libraries by Hackage downloads or notability)

 * Audio
 * Codecs
 * Concurrency
 * Data Structures
 * Database
    * HDBC
 * Games
    * 2D
    * 3D
 * GUIs
    * gtk2hs
    * wxHaskell
    * FRP guis
 * Languages
 * Math
    * Numeric Prelude
 * Music
    * Haskore
 * Network
 * System
 * Testing
    * QuickCheck
    * HUnit
 * Text
    * Unicode/UTF8
 * Web
    * Happstack

6. Applications

  • Notable open source applications (by popularity)*
 * darcs
 * xmonad
 * pugs
 * pandoc
 * gitit
 * cpphs
 * agda
 * yi, leskah
  • Notable commercial applications (citing CUFP)*
 * Bluespec  (Bluespec)
 * Cryptol (Galois)
 * Atom (Eaton)
 * Paradise (credit Suisse)
  • Notable research projects (by citations?)*
 * Parser combinators
 * Hardware design
 * Operating systems
 * Functional Reactive Programming

7. Community

9 Further Reading