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=== Building wxWidgets and wxc with Microsoft Visual C++ ===
== wxWidgets 3.0 and wxHaskell >= 0.92 ==
As wxHaskell 0.92 is not released yet, this installation procedure uses the source code obtained from GitHub.
The advantage of using Visual C++ is that the resulting libraries are smaller and faster than the gnu compiled ones. Furthermore, the debug version provides for automatic detection of memory leaks in the wxWidgets libraries and you get a warning when forgetting to deallocate wxWidgets objects. The drawback is that the configure scripts are not used and you will need to set some options manually.
We will install wxWidgets with the GCC that is packaged with GHC, to prevent incompatibilities between object/archive files.
You need mingw32-make.exe from [http://www.mingw.org/ MinGW] and sh.exe from [http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/MSYS/ MSYS] in your search path. If you do not have it yet, install [http://git-scm.com/ GIT].
Download [https://sourceforge.net/projects/wxhaskell/files/wx-config-win/ wx-config.exe] (a new version for wxWidgets > 3.0) and copy it somewhere into your search path. Install the [http://wxwidgets.org/ wxWidgets source] in C:\Libs\wxWidgets\3.0.2
Commands to compile wxWidgets and wxHaskell with Haskell Platform 2014.2.0.0:
Cd %WXWIN%\build\msw
Edit config.gcc so that the following values are set:
BUILD ?= release
If you want to compile 64 bit binaries, set the following as well:
# Standard flags for CC
CFLAGS ?= -m64
# Standard flags for C++
If you want to use [http://www.microsoft.com/express/download/ Visual C++ Express Edition], you must use Visual C++ 2008 Express Editions or higher. Because previous version requires [http://msdn2.microsoft.com/express/aa700755.aspx installing Microsoft Platform SDK] before building wxWidgets or wxHaskell.
CXXFLAGS ?= -m64
# Standard preprocessor flags (common for CC and CXX)
We use the wxWidgets provided workspace directly:
Edit ..\..\include\wx\msw\setup.h, change line 788 from
* '''wxWidgets 2.8''': Open the <tt>$wxwin/build/msw/wx.dsw</tt> workspace. Select menu &quot;<tt>Build/Batch build</tt>&quot; and select all configurations by using the mouse and the <tt>shift</tt> key, when you click a marker, all configurations are deselected. Next you manually select the &quot;Unicode Release&quot; and &quot;Unicode Debug&quot; versions of all projects and press &quot;Build&quot;. Afterwards, press &quot;Save All&quot; to save all your mouse clicking work :-)
If you want to use [http://wxhaskell.sourceforge.net/doc/Graphics-UI-WXCore-Db.html database access], [http://wxhaskell.sourceforge.net/doc/Graphics-UI-WXCore-OpenGL.html openGL canvas] and Graphics Context, you must edit <tt>$wxwin/include/msw/setup.h</tt>'s <tt>#define wxUSE_*</tt>(* is target feature name) from 0 to 1.
Next, enter the commands (some editing needed):
Set HASKELL_COMPILER_DIR=C:\Program Files\Haskell Platform\2014.2.0.0
Set PATH=%HASKELL_COMPILER_DIR%\mingw\libexec\gcc\mingw32\4.5.2\;%HASKELL_COMPILER_DIR%\lib\extralibs\bin;%HASKELL_COMPILER_DIR%\bin;%HASKELL_COMPILER_DIR%\mingw\bin;%path%
sh -c "mingw32-make -j -f makefile.gcc clean"
sh -c "mingw32-make -j -f makefile.gcc all"
Rem There will be many linker warnings, those are solved in a more recent GCC version.
Rem The result is now in C:\Libs\wxWidgets\%WXWIDGETS_VERSION%\lib\gcc_dll
Rem wxHaskell:
After building wxWidgets, you need to run <tt>configure</tt> for the wxHaskell library.
Set WXCFG=gcc_dll\mswu
Set CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=%HASKELL_COMPILER_DIR%\mingw\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.5.2\include\c++;%WXWIN%\include
Set LIBRARY_PATH=%WXWIN%\lib\gcc_lib;%HASKELL_COMPILER_DIR%\mingw\lib\
Cd &lt;Where\you\want\to\install\wxHaskell&gt;
git clone https://github.com/wxHaskell/wxHaskell.git
Cd wxHaskell
cabal install .\wxdirect
cabal install .\wxc
cabal install .\wxcore
cabal install .\wx
Make sure that all below mentioned DLLs are in the search path and try a sample program:
<pre>&gt; cd $wxhaskell
&gt; ./configure --with-msc</pre>
Cd samples\wxcore
If you want to use the debug version of the library, use the <tt>--wxc-libname</tt> option too.
ghc Bouncingballs
Click with the left mouse button on the window to create new bouncing balls.
== wxWidgets 3.0 and wxHaskell 0.91.x ==
<pre>&gt; ./configure --with-msc --wxc-libname=wxcd</pre>
After configuration, first run <tt>make</tt> command to generate stc_gen.* files.
{|border=1 style="border-collapse: collapse;"
<pre>&gt; make</pre>
! Windows
Make will stop by following error.
! Haskell Platform
! wxWidgets
|| 8.1 || 2013.2.0.0 || 3.0.1
|| 8.1 || 2014.2.0.0 || 3.0.1, 3.0.2
<pre>&gt; make: *** No rule to make target `out/wxc/wxc-msw2.8.9-0.11.0.dll', needed by `wxc'. Stop.</pre>
Then go <tt>$wxhaskell/wxc</tt> directory. Here, you need to adapt the <tt>wxc-&lt;em&gt;version&lt;/em&gt;.dsp</tt> project to reference the correct wxWidgets directory. Open the <tt>.dsp</tt> file in an editor and replace all occurrences of &quot;<tt>..\..\wxWindows-2.8.9</tt>&quot; or by the installed wxWidgets directory, i.e. <tt>$wxwin</tt>.
After adapting the project file, you can open the workspace <tt>wxc/wxc-&lt;em&gt;version&lt;/em&gt;.dsw</tt> and build the &quot;Unicode Release&quot; and &quot;Unicode Debug&quot; versions of the C wrapper library.
* If you want to install from Hackage: [http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/OldFiles/MinGW%205.1.6/ MinGW 5.1.6] and [http://downloads.sourceforge.net/mingw/MSYS-1.0.11.exe MSYS 1.0.11] (a recent version of MinGW will result in incompatible DLLs). You must select the C++ compiler and MinGW-make options when installing MinGW. Add the full path to directories MinGW\bin and msys\1.0\bin to your search path. If you install the most recent version from GitHub, use the same version of GCC as the one that comes with GHC (use command <code>gcc --version</code>), to prevent compatibility problems.
And finally! – you can run <tt>make</tt> in the <tt>$wxhaskell</tt> directory to build the Haskell libraries.
Environment variables:
<pre>&gt; cd $wxhaskell
&gt; make
&gt; make install
&gt; make wx
&gt; make wx-install</pre>
* GHC_VERSION: 7.8.3 (some recent version)
== User experiences ==
* WXC_VERSION: (preferably the most recent version, see [http://hackage.haskell.org/package/wxc Hackage])
==== GHC 6.10.1, wxWidgets 2.8.9, wxHaskell 0.11.0 (binary) ====
* WXWIN: C:\wxWidgets-3.0.2
* WXCFG: gcc_dll\mswu
* PATH: (add these) %WXWIN%\lib\gcc_dll;%WXWIN%;%APPDATA%\cabal\bin;%APPDATA%\cabal\i386-windows-ghc-%GHC_VERSION%\wxc-%WXC_VERSION%
If you are using a cabal sandbox, you must add the following to your search path:
# Download the wxhaskell binary from [http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=73133&package_id=73173&release_id=649115 sourceforge]
* .cabal-sandbox\bin
# Unpack wxhaskell-*.zip. And double-click wxhaskell-*\bin\wxhaskell-register.bat.
to ensure that wxdirect.exe can be found.
# wxhaskell-register.bat install wxHaskell to your system.
==== Assumptions (a.k.a. what I have tested) ====
* GHC 6.4.2 (Jason Dagit reports success with GHC 6.5 as well).
<li> Make sure, that the GCC from the MinGW package is used for compilation of wxWidgets, by adding its directory to the start of the search path, with a command like:
Set path=C:\MinGW\bin;%path%
<li> Download [http://wxwidgets.org/downloads wxWidgets 3.0.2 source]
<li> Extract to C:\wxWidgets-3.0.2
<li> [http://wiki.wxwidgets.org/Compiling_wxWidgets_with_MinGW Build wxWidgets-3.0.2]
<br>Edit <tt>wxwidgets-src-dir\build\msw\config.gcc</tt> so that the following values are set:
BUILD ?= release
Then (in cmd.exe, ''not'' bash):
cd wxwidgets-src-dir\build\msw
mingw32-make -f makefile.gcc
<li> Download [https://sourceforge.net/projects/wxhaskell/files/wx-config-win/ wx-config.exe] (a new version for wxWidgets > 3.0) and copy it somewhere into your search path, for instance via
copy wx-config.exe %CABAL_DIR%\bin
<li> Make sure, that the GCC that comes with GHC is used for the rest of the procedure, by adding its directory to the search path, with a command like:
Set path=C:\Haskell\Haskell Platform\2014.2.0.0\mingw\bin\;%path%
<li> Install the wxHaskell libraries</li>
To get the most recent version (using [http://git-scm.com/ Git]):
git clone git://github.com/wxHaskell/wxHaskell.git
cd wxHaskell\wxdirect
cabal update
cabal install
cd ..\wxc
cabal install
cd ..\wxcore
cabal install
cd ..\wx
cabal install
Or, for the Hackage version:
cabal update
cabal install wx
Or, if you want to install the dependencies separately:
cabal update
cabal install wxdirect
cabal install wxc
cabal install wxcore
cabal install wx
<li> Install the DLLs described in the next subsection
* Cygwin installation. See [[WxHaskell/Cygwin]] for detail, but broadly, you need Cygwin bash and install binaries.
=== DLLs ===
* wxWidgets built/installed in a path with no spaces in it. Actually you can use a path with spaces but there are a few rules. For example, I had ghc installed to this location:<br/><tt>C:\Program Files\Visual Haskell</tt><br/>So this required me to use the following configure command:<br/><tt>./configure --libdir=C:/Progra~1/Visual~1</tt><br/>
The two important things here are: 1) You must use the forward slash
and 2) you cannot use spaces.
In order to run a wxHaskell application, Windows must be able to find the following wxWidgets DLLs (see [http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/7d83bc18(v=vs.71).aspx Search Path Used by Windows to Locate a DLL]):
Next I found that I needed to add <tt>C:\Program Files\Visual Haskell</tt> to
my path so that the wxHaskell dlls could be located by windows.
* wxWidgets-x.y.z\lib\gcc_dll\*.dll
* Environment variables:
** PATH should include MinGW and Cygwin binary directories. MinGW must come before Cygwin in PATH.
The following file can be found in directory wxc\dist\build\, after building package wxc in directory wxc:
** WXHASKELL environment var points to wxHaskell install directory.
* wxc.dll (be sure to recompile and copy this one when you compile your application with a new compiler)
** WXWIN environment directory points to wxWidgets install directory.
Furthermore, the following DLLs need to be in the search path (these can be found in directory "Haskell Platform\2014.2.0.0\mingw\bin\", or in ghc-7.10.1\mingw\bin\ if you installed the compiler only (change revision as needed)):
* libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll
* libstdc++-6.dll
* mingwm10.dll
Some wxHaskell applications also require the following DLLs:
* uuid.dll
* perl510.dll
* libapr-1.dll
* libapriconv-1.dll
* libaprutil-1.dll
These DLLs can be obtained by installing [http://sourceforge.net/projects/xampp/files/XAMPP%20Windows/1.7.4/ XAMPP 1.7.4]; the DLLs are in the directories:
* xampp\perl\site\lib\auto\APR\UUID
* xampp\perl\bin
* xampp\apache\bin
If there are still DLLs missing, you can find out which, using [http://cygwin.com/cygwin-ug-net/using-utils.html cygcheck] from the [http://www.cygwin.com/ Cygwin project]. Note, that you will get problems if you have both MinGW and Cygwin in your search path; it is best to specify the full path to cygcheck.exe, or copy cygcheck.exe to some location in the search path.
Sample command:
C:\programs\cygwin\bin\cygcheck.exe .\h.exe
(the .\ must be specified)
== wxWidgets 2.8 and wxHaskell 0.13.x ==
Follow [http://www.scribd.com/doc/38034374/20100923-WxHaskell-Setup SkyTreeBird's guide]. It which walks you through the basic steps
* wx-config
* wxPack
* setting up environment variables
* <code>cabal install wx</code>
Note that the best way to refer to WxWidgets in your PATH is probably to use the WXWIN variable that you set, eg. <code>%WXWIN%\lib\gcc_dll</code>
The guide has been tested with the following configurations. Others may work too:
{|border=1 style="border-collapse: collapse;"
! Windows
! Haskell Platform
! wxWidgets
|| XP || 2010.2.0.0 || 2.8.10
|| 7 || 2011.2.0.1 || 2.8.12
=== DLLs ===
In order to run a wxHaskell application, the following DLLs must be in the search path:
* mingwm10.dll; this can be found in directory "Haskell Platform\2012.2.0.0\mingw\bin\", or in ghc-7.4.2\mingw\bin\ if you installed just the compiler (change revision as needed)
* wxmsw28u_gcc_custom.dll
=== Troubleshooting installation with cabal ===
These remarks refer to wx-0.13.2 and Haskell Platform 2011.4.0.0 on Windows 7.
Cabal package wx depends on wxcore which depends on wxdirect. By default cabal installs on a per user base, thus wxdirect.exe will be installed to <code>c:\Users\<YOUR NAME>\AppData\Roaming\cabal\bin\</code>. This folder must be in your <code>PATH</code> for <code>cabal install wxcore</code> to succeed.
Package wxcore-0.13.2 does not work well with wx-config revision 21 2006-10-19 (downloaded from [http://sites.google.com/site/wxconfig/ here] on Feb 2<sup>nd</sup> 2012). If <code>cabal install wxcore</code> fails with an output containing "Usage: wx-config [options]" try this:
* <code>cabal unpack wxcore</code>
* <code>cd wxcore-0.13.2</code>
* edit <code>Setup.hs</code> and comment out/remove the line containing <code>"wx-config" ["--version"]</code>
* <code>runhaskell.exe Setup.hs configure --user</code>
* <code>runhaskell.exe Setup.hs build</code>
* <code>runhaskell.exe Setup.hs install</code>
Finally call <code>cabal install wx</code>.
For more detailed information, see [http://biolpc22.york.ac.uk/pub/2.8.9/install-msw-2.8.9.txt Installing wxWidgets 2.8.9 on Microsoft Windows 9x/ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows CE].
== See also ==
== See also ==

Revision as of 12:01, 26 August 2015

wxWidgets 3.0 and wxHaskell >= 0.92

As wxHaskell 0.92 is not released yet, this installation procedure uses the source code obtained from GitHub. We will install wxWidgets with the GCC that is packaged with GHC, to prevent incompatibilities between object/archive files.
You need mingw32-make.exe from MinGW and sh.exe from MSYS in your search path. If you do not have it yet, install GIT. Download wx-config.exe (a new version for wxWidgets > 3.0) and copy it somewhere into your search path. Install the wxWidgets source in C:\Libs\wxWidgets\3.0.2
Commands to compile wxWidgets and wxHaskell with Haskell Platform 2014.2.0.0:

Cd %WXWIN%\build\msw

Edit config.gcc so that the following values are set:

BUILD ?= release

If you want to compile 64 bit binaries, set the following as well:

# Standard flags for CC 
CFLAGS ?= -m64

# Standard flags for C++ 
CXXFLAGS ?= -m64

# Standard preprocessor flags (common for CC and CXX) 

Edit ..\..\include\wx\msw\setup.h, change line 788 from




Next, enter the commands (some editing needed):

Set HASKELL_COMPILER_DIR=C:\Program Files\Haskell Platform\2014.2.0.0
Set PATH=%HASKELL_COMPILER_DIR%\mingw\libexec\gcc\mingw32\4.5.2\;%HASKELL_COMPILER_DIR%\lib\extralibs\bin;%HASKELL_COMPILER_DIR%\bin;%HASKELL_COMPILER_DIR%\mingw\bin;%path%
sh -c "mingw32-make -j -f makefile.gcc clean"
sh -c "mingw32-make -j -f makefile.gcc all"
Rem There will be many linker warnings, those are solved in a more recent GCC version.
Rem The result is now in C:\Libs\wxWidgets\%WXWIDGETS_VERSION%\lib\gcc_dll

Rem wxHaskell:
Set WXCFG=gcc_dll\mswu
Set CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=%HASKELL_COMPILER_DIR%\mingw\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.5.2\include\c++;%WXWIN%\include
Set LIBRARY_PATH=%WXWIN%\lib\gcc_lib;%HASKELL_COMPILER_DIR%\mingw\lib\
Cd <Where\you\want\to\install\wxHaskell>
git clone https://github.com/wxHaskell/wxHaskell.git
Cd wxHaskell
cabal install .\wxdirect
cabal install .\wxc
cabal install .\wxcore
cabal install .\wx

Make sure that all below mentioned DLLs are in the search path and try a sample program:

Cd samples\wxcore
ghc Bouncingballs

Click with the left mouse button on the window to create new bouncing balls.

wxWidgets 3.0 and wxHaskell 0.91.x

Windows Haskell Platform wxWidgets
8.1 2013.2.0.0 3.0.1
8.1 2014.2.0.0 3.0.1, 3.0.2


  • If you want to install from Hackage: MinGW 5.1.6 and MSYS 1.0.11 (a recent version of MinGW will result in incompatible DLLs). You must select the C++ compiler and MinGW-make options when installing MinGW. Add the full path to directories MinGW\bin and msys\1.0\bin to your search path. If you install the most recent version from GitHub, use the same version of GCC as the one that comes with GHC (use command gcc --version), to prevent compatibility problems.

Environment variables:

  • GHC_VERSION: 7.8.3 (some recent version)
  • WXC_VERSION: (preferably the most recent version, see Hackage)
  • WXWIN: C:\wxWidgets-3.0.2
  • WXCFG: gcc_dll\mswu
  • PATH: (add these) %WXWIN%\lib\gcc_dll;%WXWIN%;%APPDATA%\cabal\bin;%APPDATA%\cabal\i386-windows-ghc-%GHC_VERSION%\wxc-%WXC_VERSION%

If you are using a cabal sandbox, you must add the following to your search path:

  • .cabal-sandbox\bin

to ensure that wxdirect.exe can be found.


  1. Make sure, that the GCC from the MinGW package is used for compilation of wxWidgets, by adding its directory to the start of the search path, with a command like:
    Set path=C:\MinGW\bin;%path%
  2. Download wxWidgets 3.0.2 source
  3. Extract to C:\wxWidgets-3.0.2
  4. Build wxWidgets-3.0.2
    Edit wxwidgets-src-dir\build\msw\config.gcc so that the following values are set:
     SHARED ?= 1
     BUILD ?= release

    Then (in cmd.exe, not bash):

     cd wxwidgets-src-dir\build\msw
     mingw32-make -f makefile.gcc
  5. Download wx-config.exe (a new version for wxWidgets > 3.0) and copy it somewhere into your search path, for instance via
    copy wx-config.exe %CABAL_DIR%\bin
  6. Make sure, that the GCC that comes with GHC is used for the rest of the procedure, by adding its directory to the search path, with a command like:
    Set path=C:\Haskell\Haskell Platform\2014.2.0.0\mingw\bin\;%path%
  7. Install the wxHaskell libraries
  8. To get the most recent version (using Git):
    git clone git://github.com/wxHaskell/wxHaskell.git
    cd wxHaskell\wxdirect
    cabal update
    cabal install
    cd ..\wxc
    cabal install
    cd ..\wxcore
    cabal install
    cd ..\wx
    cabal install

    Or, for the Hackage version:

    cabal update
    cabal install wx

    Or, if you want to install the dependencies separately:

    cabal update
    cabal install wxdirect
    cabal install wxc
    cabal install wxcore
    cabal install wx
  9. Install the DLLs described in the next subsection


In order to run a wxHaskell application, Windows must be able to find the following wxWidgets DLLs (see Search Path Used by Windows to Locate a DLL):

  • wxWidgets-x.y.z\lib\gcc_dll\*.dll

The following file can be found in directory wxc\dist\build\, after building package wxc in directory wxc:

  • wxc.dll (be sure to recompile and copy this one when you compile your application with a new compiler)

Furthermore, the following DLLs need to be in the search path (these can be found in directory "Haskell Platform\2014.2.0.0\mingw\bin\", or in ghc-7.10.1\mingw\bin\ if you installed the compiler only (change revision as needed)):

  • libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll
  • libstdc++-6.dll
  • mingwm10.dll

Some wxHaskell applications also require the following DLLs:

  • uuid.dll
  • perl510.dll
  • libapr-1.dll
  • libapriconv-1.dll
  • libaprutil-1.dll

These DLLs can be obtained by installing XAMPP 1.7.4; the DLLs are in the directories:

  • xampp\perl\site\lib\auto\APR\UUID
  • xampp\perl\bin
  • xampp\apache\bin

If there are still DLLs missing, you can find out which, using cygcheck from the Cygwin project. Note, that you will get problems if you have both MinGW and Cygwin in your search path; it is best to specify the full path to cygcheck.exe, or copy cygcheck.exe to some location in the search path. Sample command:

 C:\programs\cygwin\bin\cygcheck.exe .\h.exe

(the .\ must be specified)

wxWidgets 2.8 and wxHaskell 0.13.x

Follow SkyTreeBird's guide. It which walks you through the basic steps

  • wx-config
  • wxPack
  • setting up environment variables
  • cabal install wx

Note that the best way to refer to WxWidgets in your PATH is probably to use the WXWIN variable that you set, eg. %WXWIN%\lib\gcc_dll

The guide has been tested with the following configurations. Others may work too:

Windows Haskell Platform wxWidgets
XP 2010.2.0.0 2.8.10
7 2011.2.0.1 2.8.12


In order to run a wxHaskell application, the following DLLs must be in the search path:

  • mingwm10.dll; this can be found in directory "Haskell Platform\2012.2.0.0\mingw\bin\", or in ghc-7.4.2\mingw\bin\ if you installed just the compiler (change revision as needed)
  • wxmsw28u_gcc_custom.dll

Troubleshooting installation with cabal

These remarks refer to wx-0.13.2 and Haskell Platform 2011.4.0.0 on Windows 7.

Cabal package wx depends on wxcore which depends on wxdirect. By default cabal installs on a per user base, thus wxdirect.exe will be installed to c:\Users\<YOUR NAME>\AppData\Roaming\cabal\bin\. This folder must be in your PATH for cabal install wxcore to succeed.

Package wxcore-0.13.2 does not work well with wx-config revision 21 2006-10-19 (downloaded from here on Feb 2nd 2012). If cabal install wxcore fails with an output containing "Usage: wx-config [options]" try this:

  • cabal unpack wxcore
  • cd wxcore-0.13.2
  • edit Setup.hs and comment out/remove the line containing "wx-config" ["--version"]
  • runhaskell.exe Setup.hs configure --user
  • runhaskell.exe Setup.hs build
  • runhaskell.exe Setup.hs install

Finally call cabal install wx.

See also