Xmonad/Config archive

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xmonad configuration examples

For more screenshots see the Xmonad/Screenshots archive.

/Template xmonad.hs (0.8)
The default xmonad settings; if you don't want to use the override style, you can just copy-and-paste this, and modify as necessary.
/Andrea Rossato's xmonad.hs (0.8)
Tabbed, Xmobar with DynamicLog, (Shell|Ssh|Man)Prompt.
/Andrea Spada xmonad.hs (0.8)
Tall, Resizable Mosaic and Combo, EvmhDesktops, additional keybindings - Work In Progress...
/andrewsw's xmonad.hs (0.8)
/andrewsw's .Xdefault
These screenshots show some compositing and nice transparent urxvt's with a circle layout and a magnified grid layout.
/brad's xmonad.hs (0.8)
very basic, just some cosmetic and key-shortcut changes
/Brent Yorgey's darcs xmonad.hs (darcs)
modMask = mod4Mask; DynamicLog, RotView, ViewPrev, WindowNavigation, ToggleLayouts (toggle full screen mode), UrgencyHook + dzen, FlexibleManipulate, a bunch of Prompts, Submap, Search, and a few others, with keybindings for all! (Warning: lots of non-standard keybindings. =)
/David Roundy's xmonad.hs (0.8)
Combo config for small screen + xclock. This config also keeps mod=mod1, and therefore moves a number of key bindings to non-standard locations (my laptop has no spare modifier keys).
/Don's xmonad.hs (0.8)
colours, use custom terminal, dynamicLogDzen
/Gwern's Config.hs (0.7-; darcs)
Ratpoison-y keybindings; example usage of XSelection.
/John Goerzen's Configuration and Tutorial (0.8)
A step-by-step guide to customizing Xmonad, starting from where the tutorial leaves off, getting to a configuration with xmobar and simple but intentionally minimal customizations in xmonad.hs
/lithis's xmonad.hs (darcs)
/lithis's xmobarrc (darcs)
The screenshot shows xmobar, two screens, a spiral layout, a tabbed layout, XFT fonts, and ShellPrompt with tab completion. The config also has pointer follows focus.
/nattfodd's xmonad.hs (0.8/darcs)
DynamicLog, smartBorders, French keyboard, defaultGap, urgencyHook in workspace toolbar and some prompts.
/Octoploid's xmonad.hs (0.8)
Xmobar with customized DynamicLog, CycleWS with custom keys, colors, terminal, golden ratio
Octoploid conf.png
/oxymor00n's xmonad.hs (darcs)
/oxymor00n's xmobarrc
Tabbed layout, Floating Layout, xmobar, EZConfig for Emacs-like keybinding-definition, added some bindings for the mouse wheel (cycle focus and cycle workspaces), cycleWS-stuff that might be interesting for Xinerama-users,...
/Robert Manea's xmonad.hs (0.8)
Customized DynamicLog and ShellPrompt, ManageDock, some efforts to make the colors of all components go together well

0.5 screenshot:

Xmonad shellprompt newconf.png
/skorpan's xmonad.hs (0.8)
Pretty clean setup. I use conky-cli with dzen2 at the bottom of the screenshot, which is not included here.
/sykopomp's xmonad.hs (darcs)
/sykopomp's xmonad.dv-vi.hs
This screenshot shows xfce-panel with pager + xmonad in a ResizableTall layout. Also using compositing and transparent urxvt's (thanks andrewsw) with bindings for changing transparency on focused window. Keybindings have been completely redone to be more similar to emacs-bindings (M-p and M-n for previous and next windows). The other config is an older config that uses the standard vi-like bindings, but translated by location to a dvorak layout.
/thoughtpolice's xmonad.hs (darcs)
/thoughtpolice's xmobarrc (0.9)
Emacs-esque keyboard bindings via EZConfig, dynamicLog with dzen, Submap google/hoogle/amazon/imdb/youtube/wikipedia searching, Shell & Ssh modules, slightly custom XPConfig and avoidStruts (ManageDocks.)
/twifkak's xmonad.hs (0.8)
modMask = mod4Mask; noBorders tabbed layout; keybindings for dzen, rotview, swapworkspaces, windowbringer, and windownavigation; urgencyhook.
/vvv's xmonad.hs (0.8)
EZConfig, CycleWS, {Man,Shell,Ssh}Prompt, Submap, DynamicWorkspaces, NoBorders, and ion-like status bar (written in nonkosher Perl).

Old configurations

This section is for configurations which do not work with the development XMonad and XMonadContrib, or at least the latest release.

Note that the configuration file is 'Config.hs' for xmonad < 0.5, but 'xmonad.hs' for xmonad >= 0.5.

Many config files marked as 0.5 probably work in 0.6 as well; give it a try and ask on the #xmonad IRC channel on freenode.org if you have problems.

/Template xmonad.hs (0.7)
/Template xmonad.hs (0.6)
The older versions of the default configuration.
/And1's xmonad.hs (0.7)
mirrored layout, manageHook, dynamicLog with dzen, conky piped to dzen,
urgency hints, utf-8 support, perWorkspace layouts,
custom keys with application shortcuts and mpd controls
And1 xmonad.png
/andrewsw's xmonad.hs (0.6)
/arossato's Config.hs (0.4)
/Brent Yorgey's xmonad.hs (0.6)
/cce xmonad.hs (0.5)
alt+enter full screen, alt+hjkl to navigate, many remapped keys
/deifl's xmonad.hs (0.5)
DynamicLog, WindowBringer, CopyWindow, ResizableTile, Tabbed layout. not default terminal, changed colors and some instances of dzen.
/Don's Config.hs (0.4)
/enko's xmonad.hs (0.8)
I'm using xmobar and mostly tall layout (but in really it is just fullscreenlayout since there arent any other windows). The config is acumulated stuff and could be cleaned of cruft, but since I dont know atm what is cruft and what not, it is not an option, but it works for me™. I'm using urxvt as a terminal and the mailer you can see there is wanderlust for emacs. You can also see my screen setup at the bottom.
2008-10-20-205748 1680x1050 scrot.png
/entropies xmonad.hs (0.5)
windows as meta key, fullscreen & noborders on keypress for client. custom keybindings. magnifier.

/Eric Mertens' xmonad.hs (0.5)

/Eric Mertens's Config.hs (0.4)
Customized DynamicLog, ShellPrompt, TilePrime, Dual-head and an effort to make the statusbar similar to DWM.
/Erthad's xmonad.hs (darcs 25 Aug 2008/0.7)
mixed hotkeys config (standard+EZConfig), wmii-like keyboard behavior,
EWMH desktops, dzen integration (dzen configs see at http://fly.osdn.org.ua/~erthad/)
/Gwern's Config.hs (0.4) (old)
/Lee Aylward's xmonad.hs (0.5)
Resizable Tall, NoBorders, dzen DynamicLog, rhythmbox control shortcuts, windows key
/loupgaroublonds xmonad.hs (0.5)
mostly a stock config but with support for gnome and my cat
/Mr.Elendig's xmonad.hs (0.7)
Somewhat simple, but verbose config, with ResizableTall, xmobar and mpd controlls.
/Marcot's xmonad.hs (darcs)
With Gnome support and Multimedia Keyboard configuration
/nomeatas Config.hs (0.4)
modMaks = mod4Mask; gnome-stuff
/nomeata’s xmonad.hs (xmonad 0.7)
CycleWS to avoid changing visible workspaces on other screens, EWMH, UpdatePointer, avoidStruts, IM for piding (on the right side), fullscreen via toggleLayouts, no boarders,
/Ray's xmonad.hs (0.5)
DynamicLog, custom manageHook, changed from default terminal, border colors, prompts, and layouts. Pseudo-Haskell dzen statusbar with Greek letters for workspace names.
/Remi's xmonad.hs (0.7)
/Remi's .xmobarrc (0.8)
/Remi's .xinitrc
Lots of key bindings for destkop-navigation/moving, xmonad.hs-editing, music, next-N-windows-float-hack. xmobar integration and PerWorkspace Layouts. And a yet-to-be-published libmpd xmobar plugin.
/Robert Manea's Config.hs and support scripts (0.4)

0.4 screenshot:

/sphynx's xmonad.hs (0.7)
Emacs-style keybindings, xmobar integration, XFT-fonts, ManageDocks, Tabbed layout, IM layout for Pidgin and Skype configured through PerWorkspace, Search extension for Wikipedia, translation and Google, usage of CopyWindow to 'make window always visible', Urgency hook, PerWorkspace usage, Scratchpad terminal, custom styles for prompt and borders.
/sereven's xmonad.hs (0.8) cross-host
Colors, homedir, mod key modified per host, dzen scaled to different screen sizes, so can use one xmonad.hs. 'h,j,k,l' directional navigation with resizableTall and toggle noBorders Full for borderless xinerama screen, perWorkspace IM layout for gimp, dzen format stripper for independent ppUrgent and ppHidden formatting.
/TeXitoi's xmonad.hs (0.7)
French keyboard, ManageDock, EwmhDesktops. Minimal configuration file with Defaults not overwritten. Mist GTK theme is used.
/twifkak's Config.hs (0.4)
/void's xmonad.hs (0.8)
dzen2 DynamicLog (in robert's style) and UrgencyHook, LayoutCombinators, IM workspace for Pidgin (on the right) with 2 layouts a dwmStyle decorated ResizableTall and a tabbed one, use of PerWorkspace and Named layouts, Scratchpad, custom theme, EZConfig for keybindings, NoBorders (and smarts too)
/webframp's xmonad.hs (darcs)
Basic Mirror tiled and ResizableTall layout, EZConfig keybindings,
dynamicLogWithPP + dzen, CycleWS, Prompt, promptSearch, Scratchpad, updatePointer
/Wfarr's xmonad.hs (0.6)
ResizableTall Layout using EZConfig, cycleWS, CopyWindows, and DZen to get some cool stuff happening.
/Xilon's xmonad.hs (0.5)
Simple and clean setup with dzen and a tray. Dzen with workspaces uses UrgencyHook for Urgent windows.

Note on uploading

To upload your config file, create some text on this page of the form:

; [[/you Config.hs]]
: description of your setup

and save the page. This will create a new page under /you into which you can paste your Config.hs text. Wrap them in <haskell> and </haskell> tags, to enable nice markup; add a nice category like [[Category:XMonad configuration]], and upload. If you have an xmonad.hs for xmonad 0.5, upload that to

; [[/you xmonad.hs]]

Images can be uploaded by clicking on the 'Upload file' link, and then referring to the uploaded image as, e.g.


which will scale the image correctly for a thumbnail.