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Revision as of 15:28, 23 October 2007

-- | -- Module : Config.hs -- Copyright : (c) Spencer Janssen 2007 -- License : BSD3-style (see LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : dons@galois.com -- Stability : stable -- Portability : portable -- -- This module specifies configurable defaults for xmonad. If you change -- values here, be sure to recompile and restart (mod-q) xmonad, -- for the changes to take effect. --

module Main where

-- -- Useful imports -- import XMonad import Operations import qualified StackSet as W import Data.Ratio import Data.Bits ((.|.)) import qualified Data.Map as M import System.Exit import Graphics.X11.Xlib import EventLoop

-- % Extension-provided imports

import XMonadContrib.MetaModule () import XMonadContrib.Tabbed import XMonadContrib.Combo import XMonadContrib.LayoutCombinators import XMonadContrib.TwoPane import XMonadContrib.Square import XMonadContrib.LayoutScreens import XMonadContrib.RotView import XMonadContrib.ShellPrompt import XMonadContrib.XPrompt import XMonadContrib.WindowNavigation import XMonadContrib.NoBorders import XMonadContrib.WorkspaceDir import XMonadContrib.CopyWindow import XMonadContrib.DynamicWorkspaces import XMonadContrib.WorkspacePrompt import XMonadContrib.ToggleLayouts

myXPConfig :: XPConfig myXPConfig = defaultXPConfig {font="-*-lucida-medium-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"


-- | The default number of workspaces (virtual screens) and their names. -- By default we use numeric strings, but any string may be used as a -- workspace name. The number of workspaces is determined by the length -- of this list. -- -- A tagging example: -- -- > workspaces = ["web", "irc", "code" ] ++ map show [4..9] -- workspaces :: [WorkspaceId] -- workspaces = map show [1 .. 9 :: Int] workspaces = ["1:mutt", "2:web"]

-- | modMask lets you specify which modkey you want to use. The default -- is mod1Mask ("left alt"). You may also consider using mod3Mask -- ("right alt"), which does not conflict with emacs keybindings. The -- "windows key" is usually mod4Mask. -- modMask :: KeyMask modMask = mod1Mask

-- | The mask for the numlock key. Numlock status is "masked" from the -- current modifier status, so the keybindings will work with numlock on or -- off. You may need to change this on some systems. -- -- You can find the numlock modifier by running "xmodmap" and looking for a -- modifier with Num_Lock bound to it: -- -- > $ xmodmap | grep Num -- > mod2 Num_Lock (0x4d) -- -- Set numlockMask = 0 if you don't have a numlock key, or want to treat -- numlock status separately. -- numlockMask :: KeyMask numlockMask = mod2Mask

-- | Width of the window border in pixels. -- borderWidth :: Dimension borderWidth = 1

-- | Border colors for unfocused and focused windows, respectively. -- normalBorderColor, focusedBorderColor :: String normalBorderColor = "#000000" focusedBorderColor = "#00ff00"

-- | Default offset of drawable screen boundaries from each physical -- screen. Anything non-zero here will leave a gap of that many pixels -- on the given edge, on the that screen. A useful gap at top of screen -- for a menu bar (e.g. 15) -- -- An example, to set a top gap on monitor 1, and a gap on the bottom of -- monitor 2, you'd use a list of geometries like so: -- -- > defaultGaps = [(18,0,0,0),(0,18,0,0)] -- 2 gaps on 2 monitors -- -- Fields are: top, bottom, left, right. -- defaultGaps :: [(Int,Int,Int,Int)] defaultGaps = [(0,0,0,0)] -- 15 for default dzen font

-- Window rules

-- | Execute arbitrary actions and WindowSet manipulations when managing -- a new window. You can use this to, for example, always float a -- particular program, or have a client always appear on a particular -- workspace. -- manageHook :: Window -- ^ the new window to manage

          -> String -- ^ window title
          -> String -- ^ window resource name
          -> String -- ^ window resource class
          -> X (WindowSet -> WindowSet)

-- Always float various programs: manageHook w _ _ c | c `elem` floats = fmap (W.float w . snd) (floatLocation w)

where floats = ["MPlayer", "Gimp"]

-- Desktop panels and dock apps should be ignored by xmonad: manageHook w _ n _ | n `elem` ignore = reveal w >> return (W.delete w)

where ignore = ["gnome-panel", "desktop_window", "kicker", "kdesktop"]

-- Automatically send Firefox windows to the "web" workspace: -- If a workspace named "web" doesn't exist, the window will appear on the -- current workspace. manageHook _ _ "Gecko" _ = return $ W.shift "web"

-- The default rule: return the WindowSet unmodified. You typically do not -- want to modify this line. manageHook _ _ _ _ = return id

-- Extensible layouts

-- | The list of possible layouts. Add your custom layouts to this list. layouts :: [Layout Window] layouts = [

         -- Add extra layouts you want to use here:
           Layout $ noBorders $ mytab

-- , Layout $ -- combo (combo (Mirror $ TwoPane 0.03 0.8) -- [(Layout $ TwoPane 0.03 0.8,1) -- ,(Layout Square,1)]) -- [(Layout mytab,8),(Layout mytab,30),(Layout mytab,1)]

         , Layout $ combineTwo (Mirror $ TwoPane 0.03 0.8)
                               mytab (combineTwo Square mytab mytab)
         , Layout $ mytab <//> mytab
         -- % Extension-provided layouts
    mytab = tabbed shrinkText defaultTConf
    -- default tiling algorithm partitions the screen into two panes
    tiled   = Tall nmaster delta ratio
    -- The default number of windows in the master pane
    nmaster = 1
    -- Default proportion of screen occupied by master pane
    ratio   = 1%2
    -- Percent of screen to increment by when resizing panes
    delta   = 3%100

-- | The top level layout switcher. Most users will not need to modify this binding. -- -- By default, we simply switch between the layouts listed in `layouts' -- above, but you may program your own selection behaviour here. Layout -- transformers, for example, would be hooked in here. -- layoutHook :: Layout Window layoutHook = Layout $ workspaceDir "~" $ windowNavigation $ toggleLayouts (noBorders Full) $

            Select layouts

-- | Register with xmonad a list of layouts whose state we can preserve over restarts. -- There is typically no need to modify this list, the defaults are fine. -- serialisedLayouts :: [Layout Window] serialisedLayouts = layoutHook : layouts

instance ReadableLayout (Layout Window, Int) where

   readTypes = [Layout $ TwoPane 0.04 0.1
               ,Layout $ Mirror $ TwoPane 0.04 0.1
               ,Layout Square]

instance Eq (Layout Window) where

   _ == _ = True

-- Logging

-- | Perform an arbitrary action on each internal state change or X event. -- Examples include: -- * do nothing -- * log the state to stdout -- -- See the 'DynamicLog' extension for examples. -- logHook :: X () logHook = return ()

-- Key bindings:

-- | The xmonad key bindings. Add, modify or remove key bindings here. -- -- (The comment formatting character is used when generating the manpage) -- keys :: M.Map (KeyMask, KeySym) (X ()) keys = M.fromList $

   -- launching and killing programs
   [ ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_Return), spawn "xterm") -- %! Launch an xterm
   , ((modMask,               xK_p     ), spawn "exe=`dmenu_path | dmenu` && eval \"exec $exe\"") -- %! Launch dmenu
   , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_p     ), spawn "gmrun") -- %! Launch gmrun
   , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_c     ), kill1) -- %! Close the focused window
   , ((modMask,               xK_space ), sendMessage NextLayout) -- %! Rotate through the available layout algorithms
   , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_space ), setLayout layoutHook) -- %!  Reset the layouts on the current workspace to default
   , ((modMask,               xK_n     ), refresh) -- %! Resize viewed windows to the correct size
   -- move focus up or down the window stack
   , ((modMask,               xK_Tab   ), windows W.focusDown) -- %! Move focus to the next window
   , ((modMask,               xK_j     ), windows W.focusDown) -- %! Move focus to the next window
   , ((modMask,               xK_k     ), windows W.focusUp  ) -- %! Move focus to the previous window
   , ((modMask,               xK_m     ), windows W.focusMaster  ) -- %! Move focus to the master window
   -- modifying the window order
   , ((modMask,               xK_Return), windows W.swapMaster) -- %! Swap the focused window and the master window
   , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_j     ), windows W.swapDown  ) -- %! Swap the focused window with the next window
   , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_k     ), windows W.swapUp    ) -- %! Swap the focused window with the previous window
   -- resizing the master/slave ratio
   , ((modMask,               xK_h     ), sendMessage Shrink) -- %! Shrink the master area
   , ((modMask,               xK_l     ), sendMessage Expand) -- %! Expand the master area
   -- floating layer support
   , ((modMask,               xK_t     ), withFocused $ windows . W.sink) -- %! Push window back into tiling
   -- increase or decrease number of windows in the master area
   , ((modMask              , xK_comma ), sendMessage (IncMasterN 1)) -- %! Increment the number of windows in the master area
   , ((modMask              , xK_period), sendMessage (IncMasterN (-1))) -- %! Deincrement the number of windows in the master area
   -- toggle the status bar gap
   , ((modMask              , xK_b     ), modifyGap (\i n -> let x = (defaultGaps ++ repeat (0,0,0,0)) !! i in if n == x then (0,0,0,0) else x)) -- %! Toggle the status bar gap
   -- quit, or restart
   , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_Escape), io (exitWith ExitSuccess)) -- %! Quit xmonad
   , ((modMask              , xK_Escape), broadcastMessage ReleaseResources >> restart Nothing True) -- %! Restart xmonad
   -- % Extension-provided key bindings
   , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_z     ),
      layoutScreens 1 (fixedLayout [Rectangle 0 0 1024 768]))
   , ((modMask .|. shiftMask .|. controlMask, xK_z),
      layoutScreens 1 (fixedLayout [Rectangle 0 0 1440 900]))
   , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_Right), rotView True)
   , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_Left), rotView False)
   , ((modMask, xK_Right), sendMessage $ Go R)
   , ((modMask, xK_Left), sendMessage $ Go L)
   , ((modMask, xK_Up), sendMessage $ Go U)
   , ((modMask, xK_Down), sendMessage $ Go D)
   , ((modMask .|. controlMask, xK_Right), sendMessage $ Swap R)
   , ((modMask .|. controlMask, xK_Left), sendMessage $ Swap L)
   , ((modMask .|. controlMask, xK_Up), sendMessage $ Swap U)
   , ((modMask .|. controlMask, xK_Down), sendMessage $ Swap D)
   , ((modMask .|. controlMask .|. shiftMask, xK_Right), sendMessage $ Move R)
   , ((modMask .|. controlMask .|. shiftMask, xK_Left), sendMessage $ Move L)
   , ((modMask .|. controlMask .|. shiftMask, xK_Up), sendMessage $ Move U)
   , ((modMask .|. controlMask .|. shiftMask, xK_Down), sendMessage $ Move D)
   , ((0, xK_F2  ), spawn "gnome-terminal") -- %! Launch gnome-terminal
   , ((0, xK_F3  ), shellPrompt myXPConfig) -- %! Launch program
   , ((0, xK_F11   ), spawn "ksnapshot") -- %! Take snapshot
   , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_x     ), changeDir myXPConfig)
   , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_BackSpace), removeWorkspace)
   , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_v     ), selectWorkspace myXPConfig layoutHook)
   , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_m     ), workspacePrompt myXPConfig (windows . copy))
   , ((modMask .|. shiftMask .|. controlMask, xK_r), renameWorkspace myXPConfig)
   , ((modMask .|. controlMask, xK_space), sendMessage ToggleLayout)
   -- mod-[1..9] %! Switch to workspace N
   -- mod-shift-[1..9] %! Move client to workspace N
   [((m .|. modMask, k), windows $ f i)
       | (i, k) <- zip workspaces [xK_F1 .. xK_F9]
       , (f, m) <- [(W.greedyView, 0), (W.shift, shiftMask)]]
   -- mod-{w,e,r} %! Switch to physical/Xinerama screens 1, 2, or 3
   -- mod-shift-{w,e,r} %! Move client to screen 1, 2, or 3
   [((m .|. modMask, key), screenWorkspace sc >>= flip whenJust (windows . f))
       | (key, sc) <- zip [xK_e, xK_r] [0..]
       , (f, m) <- [(W.view, 0), (W.shift, shiftMask)]]
   -- % Extension-provided key bindings lists
   zip (zip (repeat modMask) [xK_F1..xK_F12]) (map (withNthWorkspace W.greedyView) [0..])
   zip (zip (repeat (modMask .|. shiftMask)) [xK_F1..xK_F12]) (map (withNthWorkspace copy) [0..])

-- | Mouse bindings: default actions bound to mouse events -- mouseBindings :: M.Map (KeyMask, Button) (Window -> X ()) mouseBindings = M.fromList $

   -- mod-button1 %! Set the window to floating mode and move by dragging
   [ ((modMask, button1), (\w -> focus w >> mouseMoveWindow w))
   -- mod-button2 %! Raise the window to the top of the stack
   , ((modMask, button2), (\w -> focus w >> windows W.swapMaster))
   -- mod-button3 %! Set the window to floating mode and resize by dragging
   , ((modMask, button3), (\w -> focus w >> mouseResizeWindow w))
   -- you may also bind events to the mouse scroll wheel (button4 and button5)
   -- % Extension-provided mouse bindings

-- % Extension-provided definitions

-- % The main function

main :: IO () main = makeMain normalBorderColor focusedBorderColor layoutHook workspaces

               defaultGaps keys mouseBindings borderWidth logHook