xmonad screenshot gallery; images contributed by users.
See the Xmonad/Config archive for the configuration files that produced some of these screenshots.
Misc screenshots
Desktop Environments
Apple OSX
Gnome support
KDE support
XFCE Panel
More Gnome
Gnome monitors + dzen xmonad info
Config.Desktop, Config.Gnome, Config.Kde, Config.Xfce
Xmonad on the macbook
The OLPC laptop
xmonad on TV (used as web and video station)
Quad monitor setup with Xinerama/Nvidia
Tall, xinerama, and dzen
Dual head, Layout.WindowNavigation
Floating layer
Mnemonics make workspace navigation a cinch!
xfce + xmonad + composite + eye-burning bg
Gnome + xcompmgr
Grid mode + transparency
Magnifier + compositing
xfce panel + xmonad + gnome-terminal (terminal and vim)
Xmonad 0.11-2 + Urxvt(rxvt-unicode) + Xcompmgr for true transparency + Quad Monitor setup (2x 1920x1080 and 2x 1600x900)
Status bars and monitors
Nice dzen
More dzen examples
Byorgey's dzen
dzen example
dzen with bitmaps
More dzen
dzen monitoring
Shellprompt + dzen
Dual head, dzen and ShellPrompt
nice emacs + dzen mode
XMonad with clock (using Monitor extension)
(See also the xmonad config archive for more status bar examples and associated files.)
Off-wiki xmonad layout galleries
- webframp's xmonad layout gallery (archived; original page here)
Tiled layouts
(Defaults) Full Tall and Mirror Tall, Accordion, Dishes, Grid, MosaicAlt, ResizableTile, Spiral, StackTile, ThreeColumns
> xmonad-contrib-0.8.1 (darcs):
CenteredMaster, FixedColumn, GridVariants, Mosaic
Default wide
Default wide
Tall vim+multitail+htop
Tall Inc master
ResizableTile four masters
Spiral Golden Ratio
Dishes (static)
StackTile (resizable)
StackTile three masters
StackTile three at 8/9
Grid.Grid (also see HintedGrid)
another Grid.Grid
Off-wiki tiled layout shots
Hinted tile layouts
layoutHints (modifier), HintedGrid, HintedTall and HintedWide
layoutHints + dualhead
layoutHints Tall
layoutHints ThreeColumn
HintedGrid False + Magnifier
HintedGrid False
HintedGrid True
HintedTile Tall Center
HintedTile Wide Center
HintedTile Tall TopLeft
HintedTile Tall BottomRight
HintedTile Wide TopLeft
HintedTile Wide BottomRight
(*Silly bright purple background and font sizes set to emphasize differences in layouts.)
Layouts that hide some of the workspace's windows
DragPane, TwoPane, any layout with LimitWindows layout modifier (darcs)
Mirror TwoPane
Master.mastered Mirror TwoPane
Layouts that leave the background visible
Circle, Cross (darcs), Rolodex, SimpleFloat, WindowArranger (can be resized to show background)
Circle layout + compositing
Circle + Magnifier
floating + dzen
Off-wiki visible background layout screenshots
Combo layouts
Combo, LayoutCombinators, Square, ComboP, SubLayouts, LayoutBuilder (darcs)
(See also Master and LayoutScreens modifiers)
Combined layouts
- Full) Gimp
IM layouts
(See also #Tiled layouts and #Layout Modifiers and Utilities)
IM layout
kvirc under Tall layout
Marcot's withIM
Gimp and withIM resizableTall (see Config Tips)
Double withIM'd Gimp, dzens, and stalonetray
comboP layout (generalization of IM)
Decorated Layouts
Hey decoration users! Surely you exist! Please add your beautiful screenshots here, or have someone else do it for you from #xmonad.
Decoration, Decoration examples, DwmStyle, ResizeScreen (Utility helper for decorations), SimpleDecoration, Simplest, Simplest, TabBarDecoration, Tabbed
(See also Prompt.Theme and Util.Themes)
Ion-like tabbing
dwm-like decorations
Off-wiki decorated layout screenshots
Old Layouts
Old Mosaic (0.6)
Combo mode
Layout Modifiers and Utilities
- BoringWindows Mark windows boring to remove from focus/swap bindings
- Gaps Manually set gaps not handled by ManageDocks avoidStruts
- Modifier (development utility)
- LayoutScreens Configure screen splits independent of xinerama with bindings
- MagicFocus swap focused into master pane
- Magnifier configurable zoom
- Master add pane to any layout
- Maximize Maximize is not full screen (use Magnifier or Full instead)
- MultiToggle toggle other modifiers
- commonly toggled modifiers for MultiToggle
- Named Change layout name for show or logHook
- NoBorders smart hiding of borders
- PerWorkspace different layouts per workspace
- Reflect across X or Y axis
- ShowWName flash workspace tag/name/Id when entering it
- ToggleLayouts single version of MultiToggle
- WindowNavigation navigate directionally
- Actions.WindowNavigation navigate directionally even across screens no coloured borders
- WorkspaceDir set working directory per workspace