
When: | Friday 6 June 2014 - Sunday 8 June 2014 |
Hours: | 09:00 ~ 20:00 |
Where: | Better (formerly known as Erudify), Zurich, Switzerland |
Talks from: Simon Marlow &
Edward Kmett!
ZuriHac has reached capacity. Registration is now closed. Thank you for your understanding.
Switzerland has its own power sockets. We can't provide converters for everybody so make sure to bring one along. Do note that the Europlug will fit in a Swiss power socket. There's an electronics shop Fust Center Eschenmoser very near our office where you can buy converters.
On the first weekend of June 2014 the Zurich HaskellerZ Meetup group will organize ZuriHac 2014, a three day Haskell Hackathon hosted at the Better offices. This is the third Haskell Hackathon in Zurich. The previous two were ZuriHac2013 and ZuriHac2010.
The Haskell Hackathon is an international, grassroots collaborative coding festival with a simple focus: build and improve Haskell libraries, tools, and infrastructure.
This is a great opportunity to meet your fellow haskellers in real life, find new contributors for your project, improve existing libraries and tools or even start new ones!
Note that this event is open to any experience level, from beginners to guru's. In fact, one of the goals is to bring beginners in contact with experts so that the former can get a quick start in the Haskell community.
Better (formerly known as Erudify) will host the Hackathon.
Google Switzerland is providing financial support
- 17 November 2013
- Added wiki page
- 22 January 2014
- Opened registration
- 28 April 2014
- Reached capacity. Registration is now closed.
ZuriHac has reached capacity so the registration has been closed. Thank you for your understanding.
See the list of people who have signed up for ZuriHac 2014.

Zurich, Switzerland
To learn more about the city, please see the Wikipedia and Wikitravel articles.
- ZuriHac will be hosted at the Better offices, Grüngasse 19, Zürich.
Getting around
Google map with important places
Local transport links:
A note on day tickets:
Day tickets in Zurich run for 24 hours and can be used on all forms of transport, bus, train, tram.
You can buy tickets from the ticket machines.
We recommend the following accommodation options:
- http://www.langstars.com/en/ Youthhostel, CHF 50 per night.
- https://www.airbnb.com/ Airbnb, variable.
- Hotel Neufeld, http://www.hotel-neufeld.ch/.
Hacking hours: 10:00 to 18:00.
Please come before 11:00. At 11:00 there will be projects introduction and discussion.
Talk by Edward Kmett
Title: Functionally Oblivious and Succinct (Slides)
Time: 17:00
Abstract: This talk provides a whirlwind tour of some new types of functional data structures and their applications.
Cache-oblivious algorithms let us perform optimally for all cache levels in your system at the same time by optimizing for one cache for which we don't know the parameters. While Okasaki's "Purely Functional Data Structures" taught us how to reason about asymptotic performance in a lazy language like Haskell, reasoning about cache-oblivious algorithms requires some new techniques.
Succinct data structures let us work directly on near-optimally compressed data representations without decompressing.
How can we derive new functional data structures from these techniques? Applications include just diverse areas as speeding up a variant of Haskell's venerable Data.Map, handling "big data" on disk without tuning for hardware, and parsing JSON faster in less memory.
Haskell Katas
Doors open at 10:00.
Talk by Simon Marlow
Title: The Haxl project at Facebook (update) (Slides)
Time: 13:30
Abstract: The Haxl project aims to build a DSL in Haskell to be used by engineers at Facebook to write rules that catch spam and malware. The key idea is to use an Applicative/Monad abstraction that makes the use of external data efficient and concise, by automatically taking advantage of concurrency and opportunities for batching remote data requests.
At ZuriHac in August 2013 I gave a talk about Haxl when we had just started. Some 10 months later I'd like to talk about the progress we've made in pushing Haxl towards production use. There will be a lot of details and anecdotes in this talk about our experiences in replacing a large production system with a Haskell-based solution.
BBQ at Lake Zurich
On Saturday afternoon (17:00) we'll go BBQing at the lake.
The plan is that you buy your own food which you can then grill on the two BBQs we rented at the lake.
We'll do a bit of load-balancing while buying the food by splitting into 4 groups that each go to a different shop. Bas will form the groups on Saturday afternoon and post the groups and shopping locations here.
We'll meet at the fountain in the middle of the Blatterwiese park at the east coast of the lake:
You can find the BBQ location on the map.
We recommend going by tram (Line 2) and getting of at the Fröhlichstrasse stop (this stop can also be found on the map).
Room: 213
- Slot 1: 14:00 - 14:05 Greg Horn - parallel cabal install
- Slot 2: 14:05 - 14:10 Martijn van Steenbergen - JsonGrammar
- Slot 3: 14:10 - 14:15 Simon Hengel - reserve: Framework agnostic reloading of Haskell web applications
- Slot 4: 14:15 - 14:20 Ian-Woo Kim - Hoodle
- Slot 5: 14:20 - 14:25 Roman Cheplyaka - Better MTL
- Slot 6: 14:25 - 14:30 Csaba Hruska & Mate Kovacs - LambdaCube and Stunts
- Slot 7: 14:30 - 14:35 Duncan Coutts - Hackage
- Slot 8: 14:35 - 14:40 Roel van Dijk - complexity
- Slot 9: 14:40 - 14:45 Edward Kmett - Category theory through lens
- Slot 10: 14:45 - 14:50 Corentin Dupont - Nomyx
Nomyx match
There will be a match in room 213 in Nomyx, a game where you can change the rules while playing: http://www.nomyx.net
See the projects page.
IRC, Twitter
The main communication channel during the Hackathon will be our IRC channel: #zurihac at Freenode.
#zurihac is our Twitter/Google+ hashtag as well.
The events are organized in name of the Zurich HaskellerZ meetup group by the following people:
- Johan Tibell (Google)
- Alexander Bernauer (Google)
- Nora Kasper (Better)
- Thomas Schilling (Better)
- Simon Meier (Better)
- Dominic Small (Better)
- Bas van Dijk (Better)
For any questions or emergencies, you can always call Bas () at +41 791 285 624.
Or send an email to: zurihac@better.com