
From HaskellWiki

San Francisco Bay Area & Silicon Valley Haskell Hackathon

Come join a group of Haskell hackers to work on a wide variety of projects. All levels welcome.

When: Friday, April 20th – Sunday, April 22nd, 2012
Hours: 10am ~ 7pm
Where: Fri - Hacker Dojo - Friday is full, and waiting list only.
Sat & Sun - Mozilla HQ
Cost: Free
Sign up: sign-up form
News and Discussion: BayHac Google Group

Big thanks to Mozilla, for providing us with a larger venue on Saturday and Sunday!


Hacker Dojo, 140A South Whisman Road, Mountain View, CA (Google Map)

Mozilla HQ, 650 Castro Street, Mountain View, CA (Google Map)


If you're attending, please use the sign-up form to help the organizers plan. Add your name here if you want to let others know you're coming.

  1. Mark Lentczner - organizer
  2. Johan Tibell - organizer
  3. Aaron Culich
  4. Ivan Tarasov
  5. Evan Laforge
  6. John Cheek
  7. Michael Litchard - voting for Greg to talk about Yesod
  8. Michael Bernstein


If you plan working on a project at the Hackathon, you can put it up here so other interested hackers can see what projects are afoot. If you don't have a project, look here and find one!

Yesod web framework

Let me know if you have anything in specific you want to hack on for Yesod. Also, come and hack on your Yesod website and get help from others. Perhaps I can give a presentation.

Greg Weber

music sequencer

I'll be working on this for a bit, but if no one else is interested I'll probably look for something else since I can work on that just as well at home :)

Evan Laforge

Yesod Blog

I'll finally have some time to use what I have learned about Yesod to build my own blog!

Michael Litchard

unordered-containers/GHC/Haskell MapReduce

I have too many projects going! I'd like to try to get a basic MapReduce framework going.

Johan Tibell

Scheme to LLVM Compiler

I'll be working on this in an attempt to learn mroe about compilers.


Yi and VTY

I'll be hacking on Yi and the VTY library.


JPEG Decoder

I'll be working on performance improvements for my JPEG decoder

Myles C. Maxfield

Plush - the comfy shell

This is a POSIX shell with a web based front end. We have crazy ideas how to bring the interface of the shell forward 30 years! I'll be trying to get this from v0.2 to a v0.5 release that people could actually try out.

Mark Lentczner

GitStar - extensible project hosting platform

We've been working on the hails web platform framework (that's right, a framework for building multi-app web platforms!). As a demonstration we have been building a GitHub-like "clone", called GitStar, that allows users to integrate custom applications into the web platform. This allows you, for example, to build a custom notification system, wiki, code viewer, etc. We are excited to get feedback on what it's like building apps as for non-hails developers. If you are interested, we are happy to walk you thought our tutorial (building a custom blog app) and get you started.

Deian Stefan, Amit Levy, David Mazieres

Lightning Talks


  • Greg Weber — "stand up and move"
  • Amit Levy & Deian Stefan — GitStar
  • John Millikin — cabal branch
  • Larry Diehl — type isomorphism as type equality
  • Gabriel Gonzalez
  • Mark Lentczner — Plush


  • Steve Severance — paxos
  • Nathan Howell — shake
  • Greg Weber — shelly
  • Lee Butterman — data visualization
  • John Milliken — DBus
  • Paul Rubin — Forth -> C Haiku translation
  • Tim — image processing with easyVision