Benchmarks Game/Parallel
Quad-core enabled parallel Haskell benchmark entries, for the 64 bit quad core benchmarks game.
- Check the GC stats with +RTS -sstderr -RTS, if that number if over 5%, use -HxxxM to set a better default heap size. (Note *this is probably not permitted by the "initial allocation area rule" for the binary-trees benchmark).
- Use N capabilities for SMP, e.g. +RTS -N4 -RTS, for the quad core.
- Take the single threaded, fast programs and parallelise them
- Parallel strategies are the lightest way to add SMP capabilities.
- Contact dons or sbahra on #haskell for access to a quad or eight-way benchmark machine, before uploading.
- See if you can use the new parallel GC to good effect: no entries currently do.
Parallel Programs
- /BinaryTrees and /BinaryTreesDPH
- /Chameneos
- /Fannkuch
- /Mandelbrot
- /RegexDNA
- /SpectralNorm
- /ThreadRing
- /Knucleotide
Not yet parallelised
- /Fasta
- /MeteorContest
- /NBody
- /Pidigits (note GHC 6.10.1 has a GC bug illustrated by this program)
- /ReverseComplement