Concurrency demos/Two reader threads
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This is an example of using a main thread to send messages to 2 reader threads, over a single chan. It uses lazy IO to convert the Chan into a lazy list of filtered elements, and passes the filtered lists to the reader threads. The advantage of this design is a greatly simplified reader implementation (as it need do no IO).
-- ghc chantest.hs -o chantest
-- Usage: Enter "1", "2" or "0" to exit.
import System.IO
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Chan
import Text.Printf
-- Rather tha wait on multiple channels, it strikes me that you could
-- have a single channel, and tag each thread's input. then lazily
-- stream the chans contents through a filter, passing the *pure* list
-- of filtered elements to a consuming thread
type Pipe = Chan (Either String String)
main :: IO ()
main = do
chan <- newChan :: IO Pipe
s <- getChanContents chan -- lazy list of chan elements
c1Thread <- forkIO $ reader "c1" (catLeft s) -- read only Lefts
c2Thread <- forkIO $ reader "c2" (catRight s) -- read only Rights
writer chan
catLeft ls = [x | Left x <- ls]
catRight ls = [x | Right x <- ls]
writer :: Pipe -> IO ()
writer chan = loop
loop = getChar >>= command
command '0' = print "done"
command '1' = writeChan chan (Left "main: 1") >> loop
command '2' = writeChan chan (Right "main: 2") >> loop
command '\n' = loop -- ignore
command c = printf "Illegal: %c\n" c >> loop
reader :: String -> [String] -> IO ()
reader name xs = mapM_ (printf "%s %s\n" name) xs
Running this:
$ ghc x.hs -threaded
$ ./a.out 1 c1 main: 1 2 c2 main: 2 2 c2 main: 2 1 c1 main: 1 2 c2 main: 2 3 Illegal: 3 1 c1 main: 1 2 c2 main: 2 0 "done"