Hac φ/Attendees

From HaskellWiki

This is a partial list of attendees for Hac φ. Please refer to the main page for more information.


Registration is now closed. If you feel like you're special enough to attend even without making our registration deadline, email the organizers at `hacphi` at `haskell` dot `rocks`. (Note: really, we're all special in some way, aren't we?)

Additional Comments

Please use this section to leave comments for other attendees, e.g. for organizing accommodation.

Nickname Real Name Mobile # Accommodation
Antal Spector-Zabusky local
Kenny Foner local
John Leo Club Quarters Hotel
cdsmith Chris Smith 719-640-8663 Club Quarters Hotel
nomeata Joachim Breitner local
wraithm Matthew Wraith
oldmanmike Michael Carpenter local
jackhill Jack Hill Holiday Inn Express, Penn's Landing
goldfire Richard Eisenberg local
mightybyte Doug Beardsley
eronel Lenore Ramm Holiday Inn Express, Penn's Landing
taphu Rick Owens AirBnB
shahn Sönke Hahn
vaibhavsagar Vaibhav Sagar Airbnb