Hac 2007/Registration
Registration for Hac 2007
Numbers for the hackathon are limited to 20, due to room size constraints.
We ask that you list projects you are interested in working on (in the Haskell projects field of the registration email), and briefly describe the areas your interested in.
If more than 20 attendees register, we may prune the list in favour of people working on core Haskell development, and collaborative projects with other attendees.
Please include the days you will be attending in the Dates field.
Registration is via email. Please mail the following information to:
With the subject line:
Hac 2007 registration
And body containing the following information:
Name: Dates: Email address: Ethernet MAC address: Wireless MAC address: Haskell projects:
For example:
Name: Don Stewart Dates: 10,11,12 Email address: dons@cse.unsw.edu.au Ethernet MAC address: aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff Wireless MAC address: ff:ee:dd:cc:bb:aa Haskell projects: Hackage, ByteStrings, Curses bindings
Any extra information on the projects you want to work on, or with whom you wish to work.
If you intend to bring a laptop please note that you must tell us your ethernet and wireless MAC address (in order to reassure the building security people). There is no guarantee that wireless will actually be available, though we will do our best.
The final attendee list will be posted some time before the hackathon.
Important dates
Event | Date |
Registration deadline | December 6th, 2006 |
Confirmation | December 10th, 2006 |
Hackathon | January 10-12, 2007 |