Hac 2007 II/Register
Registration for the Haskell Hackathon: Hac 2007 II
Numbers for the hackathon may be limited, due to room size constraints. If you're unable to attend for the full 3 days, please mention this in the registration details.
Registration is via email. Please mail the following information to:
With the subject line:
Hac 2007 registration
And body containing the following information:
Name: Nick: Email: Ethernet MAC address: Wireless MAC address: TShirt size:
For example:
Name: Don Stewart Nick: dons Email: dons@cse.unsw.edu.au Ethernet MAC address: aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff Wireless MAC address: ff:ee:dd:cc:bb:aa TShirt: Small
Tshirt sizes are as follows:
Small Medium Large Extra Large Extra Extra Large
Please indicate your preferred tshirt size.
You'll need to bring your own laptop, and provide mac addresses, so we can get your machine on the network.
Add your name to the attendees page once you've registered.
Once you're registered, you'll be added to the hackathon mailing list, to which occaisional announcements will be sent.
Important dates
Event | Date |
Hackathon | October 5-7, 2007 |