
From HaskellWiki

When: Saturday 10th October 2015 - Sunday 11th October 2015, from 10am both days.
Where: Pivotal Labs, London, UK

Important: The offical sign-up for this event is at SkillsMatter.

For online discussions, please use the #hackage IRC channel on freenode.



The Haskell Infrastructure Hackathon will take place in London during the two days following the Haskell eXchange 2015. It will be hosted at Pivotal Labs, London. Everyone is welcome, beginners and experts alike, and not just participants at the Haskell eXchange, but everyone who would like to participate in a two-day coding festival.

The theme of this hackathon is improving the Haskell infrastructure, and in particular Cabal and Hackage. This means that we specifically invite people who have worked on these projects already or would like to get involved. We will try to organize some ad-hoc talks and presentations to help newcomers navigate the existing codebase and to highlight interesting problems and issues to work on.

It is also planned to organize another, similarly themed, Hackathon a few months later in order to finish off, commit and merge projects started at the first and to hopefully celebrate progress. It is, however, not at all necessary to commit yourself to attending both Hackathons.




If you want to attend you should sign-up on the SkillsMatter page.


Pivotal Labs, 4th Floor, Bentima House, 168-172 Old Street, London, EC1V 9BP, GB





We're collecting project ideas for Cabal & Hackage on the Cabal github wiki

See also the Applications and libraries page for links and inspiration.


Use the #hackage IRC channel on freenode (same IRC network as #haskell).