User:Zzo38/Proposal for more-notation
This document is proposal for more-notation in Haskell.
Anywhere that a more-notation is allowed (see Uses), you can use the syntax:
- more [(name_of_enumeration)] more_name {parameters}
- name_of_enumeration: A name of any type which is an enumeration. It can be another one using more-notation, but it must be able to fully determine it before this more-notation can be fully determined.
- more_name: A capitalized name. It uses the same namespace as constructors, so you are not allowed to have a constructor of the same name (although it is OK to have types of the that name).
- parameters: Optional lowercased names. These names are in local scope, and may already exist in this scope, although they do not have to.
A more-declaration is a module-level declaration of this syntax:
- [ numeric_literal | (enumeration_constructor) ] more_name {parameters} = contents { | contents } ;
- numeric_literal: It should be a natural number. Omitted is the same as zero. This number is called the "order" of the declaration.
- enumeration_constructor: A constructor of the enumeration that was specified in the more-notation. If an enumeration is specified, the enumeration constructor is required here. This number is called the "order" of the declaration.
- parameters: Lowercased names which will be scoped locally to this declaration. The number of parameters must match the number of parameters specified in the more-notation. An unused parameter can be replaced by an underscore.
- contents: The contents depends on where the more-notation is.
In the place where the more-notation is, all contents of more-declarations of that name will be reordered and corrected before being placed in place of the more-notation.
Automatic reordering is overridden by the enumeration constructors or numeric literals in front of more-declarations.
A statement in a do-block may be replaced by a more-notation. Semantics of more-declarations becomes as follows:
- Multiple statements in a single more-declaration stay in that order and consecutive.
x = (2 *); main = do { x <- return 21; more Doing x; print x; }; Doing a = a <- return $ x a;
x = (2 *); main = do { x <- return 21; x <- return $ Main.x x; print x; -- results in 42 (the answer to life, the universe, and everything) };
Case alternatives[edit]
An alternative for a case block may be replaced by a more-notation. Semantics of more-declarations becomes as follows:
- Cases within an order are reordered so that the most specific ones come first.
X = (_, False, True) -> 1; X = (True, True, True) -> 2; X = _ -> 3; X = (False, True, True) -> 4; y x = case x of { more X; };
y x = case x of { (True, True, True) -> 2; (False, True, True) -> 4; (_, False, True) -> 1; _ -> 3; };
Case guards[edit]
Cases can have guards and case alternatives in more-declarations can also have guards that use more-notation. There is no guarantee to the order except:
- Guards listed in a single more-declaration keep that order.
- Duplicate guards are removed.
- Duplicate guard conditions that to not have matching result expressions are errors.
- You can list guard conditions without the result values; these cause the order to be forced if such guard conditions exist, but does not create them if they do not exist.
y x = case x of { more Cases; }; Cases = (a, b) | more X a b; X a b = a > 5 -> b; X a b = a < 5 -> a; X a b = a == 5 -> 0;
Datatype declarations[edit]
A constructor definition in a data declaration is allowed to be replaced by a more-notation. Semantics of more-declarations becomes as follows:
- Duplicate constructors are removed.
- Duplicate constructors that do not match are errors.
- Multiple constructors in a single more-declaration are guaranteed to keep the order given.
data T = Zero | more T deriving (Eq); T = Two | Three | Four; T = One | Two;
data T = Zero | One | Two | Three | Four deriving (Eq);
Fields in record syntax[edit]
A field in either a data type declaration or in a value construction or update syntax can be replaced by more-notation. Semantics of more-declarations becomes as follows:
- Duplicate fields are removed.
- Duplicate fields that do not match are errors.
- A more-declaration can specify both the type and the value. Types are only used in data type declarations and values only in the other places.
In addition, parameters of a more-notation used in a field more-notation of a datatype declaration can be named _ in which case that parameter can only be used to compute the value of the field, not the type of the field. It is also permitted in a field more-notation of a value construction or update syntax, which case that parameter is not used for value construction and can only be used to compute the type. If there is a parameter that is named _ neither in the value or datatype declaration, then it has to be a type but you can use that type both in the type of the field and in types used for computing values of that field.
data Abc = Abc { name_of :: String, more AbcField }; makeAbc :: Abc; makeAbc = Abc { name_of = "", more AbcField }; AbcField = age_of :: Int = 0; AbcField = existing :: Bool = True;
data Abc = Abc { name_of :: String, age_of :: Int, existing :: Bool }; makeAbc :: Abc; makeAbc = Abc { name_of = "", age_of = 0, existing = True };
A list item can be replaced by a more-notation. Semantics of more-declarations becomes as follows:
- Multiple items in a single more-declaration stay in that order and consecutive.
k :: [String]; k = [more K]; 1 K = "One"; 5 K = "Five"; 3 K = "Three"; K = "Zero";
k :: [String]; k = ["Zero", "One", "Three", "Five"];
Combining with Template Haskell[edit]
Uses in quotations[edit]
A more-notation can go with quotations in both ways, and with splices in both ways. For example, you can have $(doThis 0 [more MoreDoThis]) with declarations having to do with MoreDoThis outside of the splice.
Manipulation in splices[edit]
Types and constructors[edit]
* Dec ** MoreCaseD Name MoreOrder [Name] [Match] ** MoreDataD Name MoreOrder [Name] [Con] ** MoreDoD Name MoreOrder [Name] [Stmt] ** MoreListD Name MoreOrder [Name] [Exp] ** MoreRecD Name MoreOrder [Name] [MoreField] * Info ** MoreI Int MoreMode Name [Dec] * MoreField = (Name, Maybe StrictType, Maybe Exp) * MoreMode ** MoreCase ** MoreData ** MoreDo ** MoreList ** MoreRec Bool Bool * MoreOrder ** NoOrder ** NamedOrder Name ** NumericOrder Int
Purpose to use more-notation[edit]
In the ParseSyntax.hs file, everything has to be defined multiple times in different places, and in a common way. Using more-notation with Template Haskell could fix that. You could even put different extensions in different files and then combine them into one file.
data PExp l = Var l (QName l) -- ^ variable | IPVar l (IPName l) -- ^ implicit parameter variable | Con l (QName l) -- ^ data constructor | Lit l (Literal l) -- ^ literal constant {- ... -} instance Annotated PExp where ann e = case e of Var l qn -> l IPVar l ipn -> l Con l qn -> l Lit l lit -> l {- ... -} amap f e = case e of Var l qn -> Var (f l) qn IPVar l ipn -> IPVar (f l) ipn Con l qn -> Con (f l) qn Lit l lit -> Lit (f l) lit
As it might see, they are all written in many places, and the other ones are just written all in one way.
data PExp l = more PExpConstructors l;
instance Annotated PExp where {
ann e = case e of more PExpAnnCases;
amap f e = case e of more PExpAmapCases f;
let {
convAnn :: Dec -> Dec;
convAnn (MoreDataD _ _ _ c) = MoreCaseD ''PExpAnnCases NoOrder 'l $ fmap convAnn1 c;
convAnn1 :: Con -> Match;
convAnn1 (NormalC n t) = Match (ConP n $ (VarP 'l) : fmap (const WildP) (tail t)) (VarE 'l) [];
} in do {
MoreI _ _ _ m <- reify ''PExpConstructors;
return $ fmap convAnn m;
Magic Set Editor[edit]
In MSE, there are game templates, style templates, and export templates. Let's say you could somehow write them as a value in Haskell (MSE has some impure functions, but it is possible to make pure versions of those functions).
You could have a card datatype like this (if the cardStyle is Nothing then it uses the default style for the set):
data Card = Card { more CardFields, cardStyle :: Maybe Style };
Now you can have styles.
data Style = more Styles; renderStyle :: Style -> Render (); renderStyle s = case s of more StyleRenderers;
The Render monad can allow you to retrieve card field values, as well as use do-notation with more-notation. You could then use the orders of the more-declarations to represent z-orders of fields.
Literate programming[edit]
You might want a datatype or something else representing features of the program, and you might want to organize them into chapters. Therefore, you can define things in the chapter they belong.