Xmonad/Config archive/gray hemp's .conky cpu
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gap_y -1000 double_buffer yes out_to_console yes own_window yes own_window_type desktop update_interval 3.0 TEXT E='echo -n' # Set icon $$E '^p(5)^i(/home/gray/.dzen/bitmaps/sm2tik/cpu.xbm)^p(5)' # Add new segment to the graph file echo ${cpu} | gdbar -s v -h 15 -sw 1 >> /tmp/.dzen2cpugraph # Print last 15 segments dequeuing the oldest one QUEUE=`tail -n 15 /tmp/.dzen2cpugraph` ISFIRST=true for ITEM in $$QUEUE; do $$E $$ITEM if [ $$ISFIRST = true ]; then echo $$ITEM >/tmp/.dzen2cpugraph ISFIRST=false fi echo $$ITEM >>/tmp/.dzen2cpugraph done $$E '^ib(1)^fn(xft:monospace:size=5)^pa(36;-1)' # CPU usage percent $$E 'u: ^fg(white)${cpu}%^fg()' $$E '^pa(62;)' $$E 't: ${acpitemp}°' # Cores pies and frequencies $$E '^pa(36;6)' echo ${cpu cpu1} | gdbar -s p -w 7 -nonl $$E '^fg()^p(2)${freq_g 1}' $$E '^p(3)' echo ${cpu cpu2} | gdbar -s p -w 7 -nonl $$E '^fg()^p(2)${freq_g 2}' echo