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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
21:54, 29 October 2007 ICMI45-paper-en.pdf (file) 299 KB This paper was scheduled for ICMI45, (2006). This version is now available. A printed version will be published too. 1
12:54, 19 June 2008 Pr Int 2 DRAFT-Ex-Cap5-o-pg.pdf (file) 163 KB (En:) Exercises selected from Cap. 5 of "The Practice of Monadic Interpretation" by Dan Popa - (ro. lang.) - a draft version. (Ro:) Exercitii selectate din cap.5 al cartii "Practica interpretarii monadice" de Dan Popa - o versiune draft. 1
05:52, 16 July 2008 Ghid viitor student.pdf (file) 500 KB (en) The Guide of the future student of the Bacau Univ. (Romania) has quoted Haskell as the first non imperative language included. (ro) Ghidul viitorului student de la al Universitatea Bacau citeaza Haskell pe lista limbajelor non imperative care se vo 1
13:19, 30 July 2008 Scheme-listing10.arhivagz (file) 322 KB (en) Interpretor for Scheme (a sort of Lisp), Windows version. Compiled from sources of the Haskell Community as they are presented in a famous WikiBook. (ro) Interpretor pentru Scheme (un fel de Lisp), versiune pentru Windows. Compilata din surse ale Co 1
23:27, 4 August 2008 Prezentare-Anglo-Haskell-2008-draft2-more-slides.pdf (file) 358 KB This presentation by Dan V. Popa, Univ. Bacau, Ro, Ro/Haskell Group, was accepted with the following answer for Anglo Haskell 2008 "Functional Grip " Section. Code snippets included. Free for use and implementation under the BSD licence. Acceptance: > 1
21:34, 20 August 2008 Rodin-A-3ok.jpg (file) 29 KB A small modular interpreter written in Haskell, running a small imperative program in Rodin. 1
07:43, 26 August 2008 RecenzieDanPopa.pdf (file) 82 KB   1
06:48, 27 August 2008 Rodin-Ro-floppy.zip (file) 325 KB   1
14:13, 28 August 2008 MainV06-Ro.zip (file) 322 KB (ro) Micul DSL - Rodin (un limbaj pseudocod) are acum si operatia modulo. (en) The small DSL Rodin (a pseudocode stile language) having the modulo operator 1
15:17, 28 August 2008 Cuvinte cheie si operatori-Rodin-Ro-V06-28-8-2008.txt (file) 939 bytes (en) keywords, syntax for RodinV06-Ro (ro) cuvinte cheie si sintaxa limbajului pseudocod Rodin, versiuneaRodinV06-Ro 1
06:28, 11 September 2008 RodinV07-Ro-10-09-2008.zip (file) 334 KB (en) New version of Rodin, a small DSL written in Haskell, suitable for teaching algorithms. (ro) O noua versiune a limbajului pseudocod Rodin, un DSL scris in Haskelll destinat algorimisticii. 1
20:52, 18 September 2008 Coperta5.jpg (file) 18 KB The first version of the cover of the book. (Practical monadic interpretation - by Dan Popa). As it was proposed by the editor. (Just a part of the whole image.) 1
08:39, 4 October 2008 Anticariat3.png (file) 25 KB Haskell books available here. 1
23:42, 10 October 2008 RodinV08-xmax-exe-surse.zip (file) 337 KB A new release of the DSL Rodin. But there are still some minor problems. From the lazy evaluation, from the semantics, from the GHC , from the semantics implementation ? ? Anyway, please do not try to use a ”pentru” (en. for) with TWO counters. 1
00:09, 11 October 2008 Ultraedit-run-for.jpg (file) 55 KB Using The Pseudocode Language Rodin ( a small DSL written in Haskell) with Ultraedit 32 bits. 1
21:31, 22 October 2008 RodinV081.zip (file) 330 KB New release of the Rodin DSL. The romanian "daca" was corrected, I hope. 1
06:13, 24 October 2008 EdusoftExp-small2.jpg (file) 49 KB The Romanian EduSoft (A local publisher) was helping us to publish probably the first - really the first available on the market - book concerning Haskell. Image of the Edusoft Stand (and somebody hired by Edusoft in the back plan) at Bacau University (R 1
09:01, 27 October 2008 Rodinv08e.gif (file) 5 KB Logo for the DSL Rodin 1
13:01, 28 October 2008 Rodin-Banner.gif (file) 24 KB Banner of the DSL Rodin. 1
13:07, 28 October 2008 Engleza3.JPG (file) 156 KB A small version, scalled. 1/2 2
13:17, 28 October 2008 Rodinv081xmas.zip (file) 333 KB Archive, including: Examples and trhe 0.81 version of the DSL Rodin. 1
13:07, 6 November 2008 Pig.jpg (file) 53 KB Pig is the simbol of money and economies. In case it is usefull somehow. (Is a small part from a common clip distributed by Yahoo.) 1
15:40, 8 November 2008 FindOnYahoo.jpg (file) 41 KB Searching ŢLimbaj PseudocodŢ on Yahoo. The Rodin DSL is on the first place, from aprox 1000 entries. Limbaj Pseudocod means , of course, The Pseudocode Language. 1
07:12, 10 November 2008 RodinV082b.zip (file) 338 KB 9 nov 2008. New release of the small DSL Rodin. Unidimensional vectors included. 1
05:44, 18 November 2008 Prolog.pdf (file) 143 KB Prolog may be used too compute mathematics. But because Haskell is a DSL development language you can insert Prolog and the Prolog Engine (like Andorra) in any DSL you wish. Prolog.pdf was just a paper concerning Prolog used in Mathematics. Published by 1
11:18, 19 November 2008 Anticariat-vert2.jpg (file) 37 KB The place were we intend to provide Haskell Books, nowadays. In Bacau, ro. 1
05:01, 25 November 2008 RODINv082C.zip (file) 328 KB Adiing a "citeste v[x];" command. But consider it just a buggy-beta version. 1
13:45, 26 November 2008 A gentle introduction to Haskell98 - Code.pdf (file) 197 KB A_gentle_introduction_to_Haskell98_-_Code.pdf The book of examples in .pdf format. 1
21:05, 28 November 2008 240px-Forsythia close-up 2 cropped.jpg (file) 18 KB Flowers from wikipedia en. 1
18:29, 29 November 2008 PIM-Coperta.jpg (file) 293 KB The cover of the Book "Practica Interpretarii Monadice" - small 1
18:34, 29 November 2008 PIM-Coperta-small.jpg (file) 6 KB PIM-Coperta-small.jpg 1
19:07, 3 December 2008 HaskellC.png (file) 45 KB Image of Haskell Curry as it appears in a book of functional programming, released as e-book by Conf.M.Gontineac 1
19:31, 3 December 2008 SITC2004.PRN.pdf (file) 300 KB Draft produced during the preparation of a paper concerning Adaptive Automata. It was presented at SITC 2004. Chisinau Rep. Moldova. 1
04:55, 5 December 2008 Lx1.pdf (file) 190 KB Why am I prefer Linux ? (Subjective speech). It was used in 2005 as part of an intro. course in Linux Systems and Hardware Architecture, the second in Europe after one talk in Italy. 1
02:45, 12 December 2008 RodinV082d-selsort.zip (file) 380 KB A version of Rodin- it should be able to run small sorting algorithms. Should be carefully tested. 2
11:29, 18 December 2008 Haskell sounds more better .png (file) 99 KB Opinion on the security of applications. 1
08:40, 10 January 2009 Paper-v5.sxw (file) 328 KB Direct Modular Evaluation of Expressions Using The Monads and Type Classes in Haskell. DAN POPA University of Bacau, Bacau, 600114, Romania, danvpopa At ub Dot ro Ro/Haskell Group, popavdan@yahoo.com Abstract During last decade, the expression evalua 1
15:36, 5 March 2009 Rodinv082bPlus Floppy.zip (file) 376 KB Finally a revised version of RodinV082b called RodinV082b Plus. Our beta testers told us that RodinV082b is better than c or d, so it have to be selected. 1
19:19, 8 March 2009 Rodin2009e.zip (file) 398 KB Versiunea Rodin2009e, din 8 martie 2009, cu o panoplie cuprinzatoare de exemple. Inca mai e un mic bug la instructiunea "pentru". Verificati-o ! Lectii incluse, capturi de pe ecran incluse - txt only. BMP-urile ar fi fost prea mari. Dan V.Popa 8 martie 20 1
20:54, 14 March 2009 Rodin2009e-Linux.zip (file) 343 KB A Linux version of Rodin. (Fedora 10). One example added. 1
11:16, 17 March 2009 Fundamentele programarii5.pdf (file) 620 KB Una din variantele programei de curs de la Fundamentele Programarii (ceruta a fi revizuita in noiembrie 2008) confirma folosirea DSL-ului [Rodin] scris in Haskell la orele de Fundamentele Programarii. 1
23:25, 17 March 2009 F 84-1-Programa analitica.pdf (file) 536 KB Programa analitica respinsa ca fiind neconforma cu formularul F84.07/Ed2. si respinsa de seful/sefa de catedra. Neconcordanta consta in cifra din coltul stanga jos (1 in loc de 2 la Ed.) si a fost corectata cu pixl la predarea documentelor catre [[s 1
23:29, 17 March 2009 F 84-1-Programa analitica Peste o luna.pdf (file) 612 KB Programa analitica ceruta de seful/sefa de catedra, conforma altor specificatii (bonusuri inlocuite cu procente) peste o luna !!! A trebuit o luna sa se constate ca nu erau bune bonusurile. Normal: se respinsese formularul fara sa-l citeasca, doar pe 1
06:40, 19 March 2009 Ro-Haskell-Istoric-PR INT 17 fara TEZA.pdf (file) 105 KB A small history of Monadic Interpretation (and related papers) as it can be seen using free available resources. I hope you can still find all the papers. 1
12:55, 19 March 2009 POPA D.pdf (file) 343 KB Direct modular evaluation of expressions using the monads and type classes in Haskell UNIVERSITATEA DIN BACĂU STUDII ŞI CERCETĂRI ŞTIINŢIFICE Seria: MATEMATICĂ Nr. 18 (2008), pag. 233 – 248 DIRECT MODULAR EVALUAT 1
05:31, 23 March 2009 F 84-1-Programa analitica Tehnici de Compilare.pdf (file) 535 KB Programa analitica a cursului (practic) de Tehnici de Compilare de la [Univ.din Bacau]. Mica eroare: Trebuia corectat codul fisei:F84.07/Ed1 este incorect, trebuia F84.07/Ed2. Continutul e corect. 1
10:30, 12 May 2009 Header2-RoH.gif (file) 19 KB Ro/Haskell is included as an Open education resource. [http://www.capetowndeclaration.org/list_signatures?indorg=all&keyword=Romania See here.] 1
08:02, 3 June 2009 The Expression problem Solved untill 2008.png (file) 98 KB In 2008 Dan Popa have solved The Expression Problem defined 10 year ago by P.Wadler using the new notion of Pseudoconstructors. Picture of a modular evaluator for expresions using Pseudoconstructors. You may see the various modules defining parts of the d 1
08:44, 3 June 2009 Project1.bin (file) 354 KB The picture of the banner's creator can be found in this small Braniac-like game. (Well - I had used an old C++ source.) Descarcati fisierul si redenumit-l Project1.exe. 1
11:56, 10 June 2009 Download2.gif (file) 6 KB Scaled version of the Download2.gif icon. 1
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