IO Semantics

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An adapted example

Based on page 42 of 76 in Turing-Post Relativized Computability and Interactive Computing:

The Limit Computable or Approximation Model

There exists a sequence of Turing programs so that computes function at time . There is not necessarily any connection between different programs and computing may have to start all over again with a new program as the time changes from to .

Suppose a meteorologist receives data every second from weather stations scattered across the country. The configuration at the meteorologist's desk may be described using the Shoenfield Limit Lemma by a computable function where is the computable characteristic function of , the configuration of the meteorological computation at the end of time . The computable function gives an algorithm to compute the condition at time but it gives no relationship between and . It will not be possible for the meteorologist to run, let alone write a new program every second. How will the meteorologist write a program to uniformly compute the index for ?

The Online Model With an Oracle Machine

By the Shoenfield Limit Lemma there is a computably enumerable set (or even a set) and oracle machine such that . Now the meteorologist can program the algorithm into a computer once and for all at the start of the day. Every second the meteorologist receives from the weather stations the latest readings which enter directly into that computer by an network connection. The meteorologist does not (and cannot) change the program every second. The algorithm simply receives the “oracle” information from the weather-station network as it is continually updated, and computes the approximation . The meteorologist's program then produces the next scheduled weather forecast for the day from the algorithm's result. It is difficult to see how this meteorologist could have carried out that activity using a batch processing, automatic machine model, instead of an online model.

More is needed

But the meteorologist's program has to do more than download weather-station data: it also has to upload the resulting weather forecasts, for example, to the computers of media outlets to be broadcast to listeners or viewers. Another machine model is needed, not just for interactions with other computers but also:

  • a screen, to view a document,
  • a printer, to have a hard copy of a document,
  • a speaker, to produce some sound,
  • a keyboard, mouse, microphone or controller, to obtain some input,
  • an operator, if an "arbitrary choice” is needed,
  • an oracle, which simply “cannot be a machine”.

An “automatic” machine becomes a “choice” machine as soon as we allow the machine’s tape to be modified by external entities: the tape itself becomes a means of communication. This is essentially what happens in “real” computers (memory-mapped I/O); for example, we can write to the computer’s screen by modifying one particular area of memory, or find out which key was pressed on the computer’s keyboard by reading another.

Making uniqueness types less unique (page 23 of 264).

So a choice machine could merely be an automatic machine given an extra ability to make requests to external entities while it is running:

  • requests for output to a screen, printer or speaker.
  • or for input from a keyboard, mouse, microphone, controller, an operator or an oracle.

with an oracle machine then being a specialised choice machine. Therefore if an automatic machine computes the result of an ordinary expression (like 56 + 24), a choice machine computes the result of an I/O action (like getChar) when the action is provided with an external-entity request. So how can this concept be adapted for use in a functional language like Haskell?

Two different approaches


  • For simplicity, the examples here only gives semantics for teletype I/O.
  • These are only some of the various ways to describe the semantics of IO a; your actual implementation may vary.

A free type

(Inspired by Luke Palmer's post.)

The idea is to define IO as

data IO a = Done a
          | PutChar Char (IO a)
          | GetChar (Char -> IO a)

Think of IO a as a tree:

  • PutChar is a node that has one child tree and the node holds one character of data.
  • GetChar is a node that has many children; it has one child for every character, but GetChar holds no data itself.
  • Done a (a leaf) is a node that holds the result of the program.

This tree contains all the information needed to execute basic interactions. One interprets (or executes) an IO a by tracing a route from root of the tree to a leaf:

  • If a PutChar node is encountered, the character data contained at that node is output to the terminal and then its subtree is executed. It is at this point that Haskell code is evaluated in order to determine what character should be displayed before continuing.
  • If a GetChar node is encountered, a character is read from the terminal (blocking if necessary) and the subtree corresponding to the character received is executed.
  • If a Done node is encountered, the program ends.

Done holds the result of the computation, but in the case of Main.main :: IO () the data is of type () and thus ignored as it contains no information.

This execution is not done anywhere in a Haskell program, rather it is done by the run-time system.

The monadic operations are defined as follows:

return :: a -> IO a
return x = Done x

(>>=)  :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b
Done x      >>= f = f x
PutChar c x >>= f = PutChar c (x >>= f)
GetChar g   >>= f = GetChar (\c -> g c >>= f)

As you can see return is just another name for Done. The bind operation (>>=) takes a tree x and a function f and replaces the Done nodes (the leaves) of x by a new tree produced by applying f to the data held in the Done nodes.

The primitive I/O commands are defined using these constructors.

putChar :: Char -> IO ()
putChar x = PutChar x (Done ())

getChar :: IO Char
getChar = GetChar (\c -> Done c)
  • The function putChar builds a small IO () tree that contains one PutChar node holding the character data followed by Done.
  • The function getChar builds a short IO Char tree that begins with a GetChar node that holds one Done node for every character.

Other commands can be defined in terms of these primitives:

putStr :: String -> IO ()
putStr = mapM_ putChar

More generally speaking, IO a will represent the desired interaction with the operating system. For every system call there will be a corresponding I/O-tree constructor of the form:

	| SysCallName p1 p2 ... pn (r -> IO a)


  • p1 ... pn are the parameters for the system call,
  • and r is the result of the system call.

(Thus PutChar and GetChar will not occur as constructors for I/O trees if they don't correspond to system calls).

A more direct style

Recalling that a choice machine computes the result of an I/O action when the action is provided an external-entity request:

data OI                   -- a request to an external entity

partOI :: OI -> (OI, OI)  -- an I/O action requesting two more requests

getChar :: OI -> Char     -- an I/O action requesting the next character of input

putChar :: Char ->        -- a function expecting a character which returns
           OI -> ()       -- an I/O action requesting the output of the given character

The action partOI :: OI -> (OI, OI) is needed to obtain new OI values because each one represents a single (once-only) request to an external entity. Hence multiple actions using the same OI value for different requests would be ambiguous.

In more fully-featured implementations, each system call would have its own declaration:

primitive primSysCallName :: T1 -> T2 -> ... -> OI -> Tr
foreign import ... extnSysCallName :: T1 -> T2 -> ... -> OI -> Tr


  • T1, T2 ... are the types of the parameters for the system call,
  • and Tr is the type of the system call's result.

The type of I/O actions is easily defined:

type IO a  =  OI -> a
      .       .  .  .
      |       |  |  |
   an I/O     |  |  |
   action     |  |  |
              |  |  |
  may involve a  |  |
  request to an  |  |
 external entity |  |
                 |  |
        when being  |
         computed   |
            to obtain
             a result

As for the monadic interface:

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Monad ((->) OI) where
    return = unitOI
    (>>=)  = bindIO
    (>>)   = nextOI

unitOI     :: a -> OI -> a
unitOI x   = \ u -> partOI u `pseq` x

bindOI     :: (OI -> a) -> (a -> OI -> b) -> OI -> b
bindOI m k = \ u -> case partOI u of (u1, u2) -> (\ x -> x `pseq` k x u2) (m u1)

nextOI     :: (OI -> a) -> (IO -> b) -> OI -> b
nextOI m w = \ u -> case partOI u of (u1, u2) -> m u1 `pseq` w u2

Control.Parallel.pseq is needed because Prelude.seq isn't sequential, the fact that a sequencing definition was a known necessity since 1996 notwithstanding.

Further reading

ed. Simon Marlow Marlow, 2010.
Wouter Swierstra. Ph.D. thesis, University of Nottingham. (2009).
Wouter Swierstra, Thorsten Altenkirch. In: Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Haskell, Haskell ’07, ACM, New York, NY, USA, pages 25–36 (2007).
Malcolm Dowse. PhD dissertation, University of Dublin, Trinity College (2006).
Levent Erkök, John Launchbury, Andrew Moran. In Fixed Points in Computer Science Workshop, FICS'01 (2001).
Simon Peyton Jones. In "Engineering theories of software construction", ed. Tony Hoare, Manfred Broy, Ralf Steinbruggen, IOS Press, ISBN 1 58603 1724, 2001, pages 47-96.
Roy L. Crole, Andrew D. Gordon. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 9(2): 125-158 (1999).
Philip Wadler. ACM Computing Surveys, 29(3): 240-263, September 1997.
Andrew D. Gordon and Kevin Hammond. In: Proceedings of the Haskell Workshop, La Jolla, California, June 1995.
Andrew Gordon. In International Workshop on Computer Science Logic, January 1995. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Andrew Gordon. In FPCA '93: Conference on Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture, Copenhagen, June 1993. ACM Press.
Andrew Gordon. Cambridge University Press. Revision of 1992 PhD dissertation.
Andrew Gordon. Computer Laboratory Technical Report Number 160, University of Cambridge (1989).
Simon Thompson. Technical Report 48, Computing Laboratory, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK, November 1987.