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Revision as of 01:21, 20 June 2008 by Mrd (talk | contribs) (hello demo -- simple gtkglext demo)
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module Main (main) where

import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk as Gtk
import Graphics.UI.Gtk (AttrOp((:=)))
import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk.OpenGL as GtkGL

import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL as GL

main :: IO ()
main = do 
  -- Initialise the Gtk+ OpenGL extension
  -- (including reading various command line parameters)

  -- We need a OpenGL frame buffer configuration to be able to create other
  -- OpenGL objects.
  glconfig <- GtkGL.glConfigNew [GtkGL.GLModeRGBA,
  -- Create an OpenGL drawing area widget
  canvas <- GtkGL.glDrawingAreaNew glconfig
  Gtk.widgetSetSizeRequest canvas 250 250

  -- Initialise some GL setting just before the canvas first gets shown
  -- (We can't initialise these things earlier since the GL resources that
  -- we are using wouldn't heve been setup yet)
  Gtk.onRealize canvas $ GtkGL.withGLDrawingArea canvas $ \_ -> do
    clearColor $= (Color4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)
    matrixMode $= Projection
    ortho 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 (-1.0) 1.0
    depthFunc $= Just Less
    drawBuffer $= BackBuffers

  -- Set the repaint handler
  Gtk.onExpose canvas $ \_ -> do
    GtkGL.withGLDrawingArea canvas $ \glwindow -> do
      GL.clear [GL.DepthBuffer, GL.ColorBuffer]
      GtkGL.glDrawableSwapBuffers glwindow
    return True

  -- Setup the animation
  Gtk.timeoutAddFull (do
      Gtk.widgetQueueDraw canvas
      return True)
    Gtk.priorityDefaultIdle animationWaitTime

  -- Setup the rest of the GUI:
  window <- Gtk.windowNew
  Gtk.onDestroy window Gtk.mainQuit
  Gtk.set window [ Gtk.containerBorderWidth := 8,
                   Gtk.windowTitle := "Gtk2Hs + HOpenGL demo" ]

  vbox <- Gtk.vBoxNew False 4
  Gtk.set window [ Gtk.containerChild := vbox ]

  label <- Gtk.labelNew (Just "Gtk2Hs using OpenGL via HOpenGL!")
  button <- Gtk.buttonNewWithLabel "Close"
  Gtk.onClicked button Gtk.mainQuit
  Gtk.set vbox [ Gtk.containerChild := canvas,
                 Gtk.containerChild := label,
                 Gtk.containerChild := button ]

  Gtk.widgetShowAll window

-- Draw the OpenGL polygon.
display = do
  color (Color3 1 1 1 :: Color3 GLfloat)
  -- Instead of glBegin ... glEnd there is renderPrimitive.  
  renderPrimitive Polygon $ do
    vertex (Vertex3 0.25 0.25 0.0 :: Vertex3 GLfloat)
    vertex (Vertex3 0.75 0.25 0.0 :: Vertex3 GLfloat)
    vertex (Vertex3 0.75 0.75 0.0 :: Vertex3 GLfloat)
    vertex (Vertex3 0.25 0.75 0.0 :: Vertex3 GLfloat)

animationWaitTime = 3