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But - if after all that - you're still not convinced, then perhaps you'll be happier programming in [https://www.smlnj.org/sml.html SML]...
But - if after all that - you're still not convinced, then perhaps you'll be happier programming in [https://www.smlnj.org/sml.html SML]...
...you're still here: ''nice!'' &nbsp;Now for a small example - here's <code>interact</code>, using those <code>OI</code>-based definitions:
interact :: (String -> String) -> OI -> ()
interact f v = let !(u1, u2) = part v
gets = map primGetChar $ parts u1
puts s = foldr (\!_ -> id) () $ zipWith primPutChar s $ parts u2
puts $ f $ gets
<sub> </sub>
=== <u>Some annoyances</u> ===
=== <u>Some annoyances</u> ===

Revision as of 00:35, 27 April 2021

IO is the [monadic type] you cannot avoid.

...but you kept looking anyway, and here you are!

[...] the input/output story for purely-functional languages was weak and unconvincing, let alone error recovery, concurrency, etc. Over the last few years, a surprising solution has emerged: the monad. I say "surprising" because anything with as exotic a name as "monad" - derived from category theory, one of the most abstract branches of mathematics - is unlikely to be very useful to red-blooded programmers. But one of the joys of functional programming is the way in which apparently-exotic theory can have a direct and practical application, and the monadic story is a good example.

...with that (ahem) "joy" leading to more than a few helpful guides about the topic - that monadic interface: it's abstract alright!

IO, using OI

Our definition of IO is a type synonym:

type IO a = OI -> a

with OI being an abstract partible type:

data OI a
primitive primPartOI :: OI -> (OI, OI)

instance Partible OI where
    part = primPartOI

Like primPartOI, most other primitives for the OI type also accept an OI-value as their last (or only) argument e.g:

primitive primGetChar :: OI -> Char
primitive primPutChar :: Char -> OI -> ()

Borrowing the running example from Philip Wadler's How to Declare an Imperative:

echo   :: OI -> ()
echo u =  let !(u1:u2:u3:_) = parts u
              !c            = primGetChar u1 in
          if c == '\n' then
            let !_ = primPutChar c u2
            in  echo u3

Wadler also provides an SML version:

val echoML    : unit -> unit
fun echoML () = let val c = getcML () in
                if c = #"\n" then
                  (putcML c; echoML ())

in which we replace SML's sequencing operator ;:

val echoML    : unit -> unit
fun echoML () = let val c = getcML () in
                if c = #"\n" then
                  let val _ = putcML c in
                  echoML ()

If we compare it to our Haskell version:

echo   :: OI -> ()
echo u =  let !(u1:u2:u3:_) = parts u
              !c            = primGetChar u1 in
          if c == '\n' then
            let !_ = primPutChar c u2
            in  echo u3

val echoML    : unit -> unit
fun echoML () =
                let val c = getcML () in
                if c = #"\n" then
                  let val _ = putcML c in
                  echoML ()

...we can now see just how similar the two versions of echo really are: apart from the obvious changes of syntax, the Haskell version replaces all use of unit-values with OI-values, and adds an extra call to parts to provide them.

So there you have it: for the price of some extra calls and bindings, we can have SML-style I/O in Haskell. Furthermore, as SML has been available since 1997, there should be plenty of I/O tutorials to choose from...

At this point, you may be tempted to try something like:

type IO a = () -> a

primitive might_get_Char :: () -> Char
primitive might_put_Char :: Char -> ()

While this might work in some situations, it's unreliable in general. Why?

But - if after all that - you're still not convinced, then perhaps you'll be happier programming in SML...

...you're still here: nice!  Now for a small example - here's interact, using those OI-based definitions:

interact     :: (String -> String) -> OI -> ()
interact f v =  let !(u1, u2) = part v
                    gets      = map primGetChar $ parts u1
                    puts s    = foldr (\!_ -> id) () $ zipWith primPutChar s $ parts u2
                    puts $ f $ gets

Some annoyances

  • Polymorphic references - It's been known for a very long time in the SML community that naive declarations for operations using mutable references breaks type safety:
primitive newPolyRef :: a -> OI -> PolyRef a
primitive readPolyRef :: PolyRef a -> OI -> a
primitive writePolyRef :: PolyRef a -> a -> OI -> ()

kah_BOOM u = let …
                 !vehicle = newPolyRef undefined u1
                 !_       = writePolyRef ("0" :: [Char]) u2
                 !crash   = readPolyRef vehicle u3
                 burn     = 1 :: Int
                 crash + burn
SML's solution is to make all mutable references monomorphic through the use of dedicated syntax:
let val r = ref (…)
One alternative for Haskell would be to extend type signatures to support monomorphic type-variables:
primitive newIORef   :: monomo a . a -> OI -> IORef a
primitive readIORef  :: monomo a . IORef a -> OI -> a
primitive writeIORef :: monomo a . IORef a -> a -> OI -> ()

{- would be rejected by the extended type system: 
kah_BOOM u = let !(u1:u2:u3:_) = parts u
                 !vehicle      = newIORef undefined u1          -- vehicle :: monomo a . IORef a
                 !_            = writeIORef ("0" :: [Char]) u2  -- vehicle :: IORef [Char]
                 !crash        = readIORef vehicle u3           -- vehicle :: IORef [Char] ≠ IORef Int
                 burn          = 1 :: Int
                 crash + burn
In standard Haskell, one of the few places this already occurs (albeit implicitly) is the parameters of a function:
{- will be rejected by the standard Haskell type system

ker_plunk f = (f True, f 'b')


One solution

  • Extra parameters and arguments - What is needed is a succinct interface to "hide the plumbing" used to pass around OI-values:
instance Monad ((->) OI) where
     return x = \u -> case part u of !_ -> x
     m >>= k  = \u -> case part u of
                        (u1, u2) -> case m u1 of
                                      !x -> k x u2
  • Polymorphic references - we now make IO into an abstract data type:
module Abstract.IO
    Monad (..),
    getChar, putChar, 
    newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef,

instance Monad ((->) OI) where
     return x = \u -> case part u of !_ -> x
     m >>= k  = \u -> case part u of
                        (u1, u2) -> case m u1 of
                                      !x -> k x u2

getChar    :: IO Char
getChar    =  primGetChar

putChar    :: Char -> IO ()
putChar    =  primPutChar

newIORef   :: a -> IO (IORef a)
newIORef   =  primNewIORef

readIORef  :: IORef a -> IO a
readIORef  =  primReadIORef

writeIORef :: IORef a -> a -> IO ()
writeIORef =  primWriteIORef

 -- these are now local, private entities --
type IO a = OI -> a

data OI a
primitive primPartOI  :: OI -> (OI, OI)

primitive primGetChar :: OI -> Char
primitive primPutChar :: Char -> OI -> ()

data IORef
primitive primNewIORef    :: a -> OI -> IORef a
primitive primReadIORef   :: IORef a -> OI -> a
primitive primWriteIORef  :: IORef a -> a -> OI -> ()
With the IO type now made abstract, the only way to use IO-values is by using:
  • the visible IO operations: getChar, putChar, etc.
  • the monadic interface - Monad(return, (>>=), …) (or via Haskell's do-notation).
The key here is the type of (>>=), for IO-values:
(>>=) :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b
in particular, the type of the second argument:
(a -> IO b)
...it's a function, so the value it receives will be rendered monomorphic in the function's result (of type IO b).
As (>>=) is now the only IO operation which can retrieve a result from an IO-value, mutable references (IORef …) simply cannot be used polymorphically.

GHC's solution

newtype IO a = IO (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #))

...you may have noticed that we've already made liberal use of one Haskell extension - bang-patterns - and it would be useful to stay as close as possible to standard Haskell, so we'll simplify matters:

newtype IO a = IO (IOState -> (IOState, a))  -- unboxed-tuple replaced by standard one 

type IOState = State# RealWorld

Now to make the changes:

  • to the type - IOState uses an OI-value:
newtype IOState = IOS OI
  • to the I/O-specific operations - each one will use the OI-value in the initial state to provide two new OI-values: one to make up the final state; the other being used by the OI-primitive:
getChar   :: IO Char
getChar   =  IO $ \(IOS u) -> let !(u1, u2) = parts u
                                  !c        = primGetChar u1
                              in  (IOS u2, c)

putChar   :: Char -> IO ()
putChar c =  IO $ \(IOS u) -> let !(u1, u2) = parts u
                                  !t        = primPutChar c u1
                              in  (IOS u2, t)

 -- etc.
  • to the overloaded operations - you've probably seen it all before:
instance Monad IO where
    return x   = IO $ \!s -> (s, x)
    IO m >>= k = IO $ \!s -> let !(s', x) = m s
                                 !IO w    = k x
                             in  w s'
(...if you haven't: it's ye ol' pass-the-planet state-passing technique.)

One aspect which doesn't change is IO and its operations being abstract. In fact, the need is even more pressing: in addition to preventing the misuse of certain OI-operations, being an abstract data type prevents IOState-values from being erroneously reused.


  • Why is Haskell I/O monadic - to avoid having to use extra arguments and parameters everywhere.
  • Why is Haskell I/O abstract - to ensure I/O works as intended, by preventing the misuse of internal data.
  • Why is Haskell I/O unusual - because of Haskell's nonstrict evaluation and thus its focus on referential transparency, contrary to most other programming languages.

Further reading

If you've managed to get all the way to here, State in Haskell by John Launchbury and Simon Peyton Jones is also worth reading, if you're interested in how GHC eventually arrived at its current definition of IO.