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Kibro will be a very simple web framework for working with Haskell and FastCGI.
I've made this page for documenting it, and discussing ideas.
The idea is that a web site is a directory containing a specific structure, created by Kibro. Yes, similar to Rails in that aspect. Running the web site manipulates things only in this directory, keeping it isolated. Downloading a web site from someone should be a case of pulling from their repo. e.g. “darcs pull” and typing “cd example && ./example”, which would compile the project with cabal install (to make sure all dependencies are there) and then run it on a port like 3000.
Running “kibro example” should produce something like the following directory structure:
example/ config/ fastcgi/ start stop restart lighttpd/ lighttpd.conf error.log access.log static/ ... src/ Example.hs db/ example.sqlite example.kibro example.cabal