Results, after one mounth, 14 jan 2008
14.jan.2008 Results, after one mounth.
. How quick can you write an ISI paper with Haskell ?
* One day using Haskell 94 * One week using Haskell 60 * One month using Haskell 43 * One semester using Haskell 44 * One year using Haskell 50
. How quick can you write an ISI paper without Haskell ?
* One day without Haskell 47 * One week without Haskell 44 * One month without Haskell 40 * One semester without Haskell 43 * One year without Haskell 50
The main results are, now, the same as in december :
1) Haskell seems to be a RAPID RESEARCH TOOL. So you are encouraged to write mathematical part of your papers in Haskell, or to make research using Haskell.
2) Even if sometimes is difficult to say how much time is needed to produce a paper at ISI level, ONE MONTH seems NOT TO BE THE TIME.
Conclusion: Or you reject Haskell and,probably, you will need a year to produce an ISI paper without Haskell. Or you agree to use Haskell and your productivity will dramatically increase, and, you will be able to write an ISI classified paper in LESS THAN A WEEK.